Each time I learn something about a conflict, I’ll write it down and take a few notes. This will be a growing list for a while and “hopefully” with more time will become less and less. In schā' Allāh.

Global overview

Feeling not happy — our lack of responsibility makes me angry

It seems the world is for some states not big enough. Fighting is wanted. Fighting is accepted. It is accepted to have enemies and it is accepted to fight them. Who created that norm? Why is it accepted to have enemies? What world view does it serve — whose expenses and interests does it fulfill? I assume that we don’t want to solve the conflict. It is a need to have an enemy. Who can explain me, why we have unsolved conflicts for many decades (e.g. Cyprus since 1974 — older than I am) and we have not found a solution. Distrust is more accepted than to trust. It is our will to distrust. It serves our needs. Pays our bills. I refuse that need — I refuse to allow my heart to have enemies. I refuse to develop weapon systems and strategies to fight or even to kill someone. Time to move together and to solve conflicts. We know how. And we’ve got time and words to do so. Overcome status quo.

I am definitely not patient enough to accept that waist of time and emotions. The conflict serves our interests but all we do is to pass it on to the next generation — this is selfish and ruthless behavior. Am I missing something?


Russia - Ukraine

What: Revolution, civil war, foreign intervention.

Area: Conflict in Donbas and Crimea.

Timeline: Started 2014.

Status: Stellungskrieg (“if we only could build a wall again.”)

EU - Russia

What: Strong disagreements on many issues (use of chemical weapons against opposition leaders, support of war in Ukraine, annexation of Crimea). Both sides are not capable to open rooms for meaningful dialogue. Incapable, or not interested, to stop regional conflicts, together. Still seeking to find a common voice.

Actual status: October 2020 EU sanctions against Russia

What: We bully and we don’t know how do solve our conflicts by talking. It’s easier to provoke than to talk and to make treaties that define boarders and also define the use of natural resources on each others territories.

Status: Disput over Gas fields in the Mediterranean. Seem important to explore natural resources that will be too expensive to actually sell in a few years (approx. 2028).


  • Wikipedia on the Cyprus dispute: Talks started in 2014, and it seems leaders are more interested in power and resources than in talking. Why is the wish for independence so huge? What kind of independence is it, if I cannot visit my neighbors? It’s fake. Why do I need a wall of hate? I don’t get it.

Greece — Turkey —Cyprus


China - India

What: Boarder dispute in Himalaya area.

Area: Aksal Chin (China), Galwan-Valley, Arunachal Pradesh (North-East India), Shaksgam-Valley (China), Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh (North-West India),

China not recognizing treaties Tibet made with UK in 1914.

Timeline: War in 1962. September 2020: Clashes between Indian and Chinese troops.

India - Pakistan - (China)

What: Frozen conflict?

Area: Gilgit-Baltistan (Pakistan), Asad Kaschmir (Pakistan), Jammu and Kaschmir (India), Ladakh (India).

Timeline: 1947 split of India.

Info: Wikipedia



What: Civil War. Old generals — knowing only fighting — presenting shining uniforms. Young men — knowing only fighting — kill each other. Infinite regress.
