South Sudan
The Hainrichs Institute is creating a network of peace building facilitator in different parts of our world. Recently I partnered with Manasseh Zindo, a South Sudanese Peacebuilding Practitioner who actively participated in the South Sudan peace negotiations from 2014 – 2018. Manasseh knows most of the South Sudanese stakeholders including the country’s political leaders among them the five South Sudanese vice presidents. He is either known to them in person or as the son of Bishop Daniel Zindo. Manasseh’s expertise and his integrating voice is valuable for the ongoing peace process in South Sudan. In our partnership we also want to cooperate with Sant’Egidio, a Christian community that currently supporting dialogue in South Sudan.
I. Manasseh Zindo: Supporting a Peace Builder’s Family
Manasseh Zindo aged 43 is a South Sudanese Peacebuilding Practitioner who actively participated in South Sudan peace negotiations from 2014 – 2018. He comes from a Christian family of peacemakers. His father Daniel Zindo was the Bishop of Yambio from 1984 – 1998 when he tragically died in a road accident. Bishop Zindo died when he was acting Archbishop of the Anglican Church in Sudan known today as the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (ECSS). He was the Chairman of the New Sudan Council of Churches (NSCC) from 1994 – 1997. Manasseh started his career as an intern communication at the Anglican Consultative Council meeting (ACC-11) in Dundee Scotland in 1999. He holds a bachelor's degree in Mass Communication from Kampala International University (KIU) in Kampala Uganda and a master’s degree in Peace Studies and International Relations from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) in Nairobi Kenya. He holds advanced certificates in Systemic Peacebuilding, Conflict Transformation and Post War Recovery and Reconciliation from the International Peace and Development Training Centre (IPDTC), Cluj-Napoca - Romania, Applied Conflict Transformation from Action Support Centre (ASC), Johannesburg - South Africa and; Governance and Human Security in Africa from the Institute of Security Studies (SSI), Addis Ababa - Ethiopia.
Manasseh’s family in Uganda
Immediate support needed! We can help:
During the 2013 civil war in South Sudan, Manasseh evacuated his family to safety in neighbouring Uganda where they reside. This was necessary because in 2016 – 2017 Manasseh’s life and that of his children were in danger. Manasseh and his family face challenges in meeting their expenses such as utility, tuition for his 4 children and rent which has gone into arrears by three months. With Manasseh’s consent I am making this appeal on his behalf for the total of a wonderful €1,500 to offset his debts. I would be grateful if you could feel able to make a contribution on towards this appeal.
II: Manasseh Zindo: Setting up a Peacebuilding Trip to South Sudan
South Sudan is a landlocked country that gained its independence from Sudan in 2011 after a many years of bloody civil war. Its borders with six countries namely Central Africa Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan and Uganda. South Sudan is a rich oil country and other minerals as well as good agricultural land. The Nile, Africa’s longest river passes through South Sudan. As of 2011 its population was estimated at 12,000,000 made-up of ethnic 64 tribes.
Only two years into its independence, South Sudan plunged into political turmoil as a result of power struggle within the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement (SPLM), the founding liberation party which quickly spread into a civil conflict. Analysts blamed external factors especially the involvement some neighbouring countries in fuelling the conflict which has displaced millions from their homes into refugee camps in the neighbouring countries and internal displaced camps within the country.
Manasseh Zindo attending IGAD HLRF, Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), is a regional body that is concerned about peace, security and democracy in its member states. It hosted and facilitated a negotiated peaceful settlement to the conflict in South Sudan, a process in which Manasseh was a delegate. Parties to the conflict including stakeholders such as faith based group, political parties, women and youth groups were involved. In 2016, the Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict on the Republic of South Sudan (ARCSS) was signed, it was revitalized in 2018 with the aim of forming a transitional government of national unity that would among others, look into the root cause of the 2013 conflict, develop a new constitution, discuss accountability, reparation, return of refugees and resettlement of the internal displaced persons (IDPs) and prepare for general election in 36 months from the date of the signing of the Revitalized Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan (R-ARCSS).
Since the signing of R-ACSS, implementation of key provisions of agreement has been slow and selective. Training and unification of the armed groups into a national army has been a contentious process which is vital for the stability of the country. It’s clear that the transitional government of national unity will not achieve its mandate that elapse in few months. Manasseh would to like to travel from his current base in neighbouring Kenya to meet South Sudanese political leaders, faith based groups, civil society organisations to under the current status of the agreement and seek a consensus on how to fast track the implementation of the agreement.
Manasseh hope’s his fact find mission would shade light on the intrigues, mistrust and lack of confidence that has derailed the full implementation of the agreement. His report would help concerned peacemakers around the world to help rescue South Sudan from sliding back to civil war.
South Sudan is a key conflict and displays interests of all neighboring countries. Our vision is to expand the dialogue in South Sudan into an East Africa dialogue. That includes dialogue within all countries that are located on the river Nile - Her longest river (of Mother Earth).
Manasseh and I have contacted a key mediation team in the South Sudan peace process with the intention of being incorporated into the peace process where we could play an important role. At some point, we plan to have Manasseh visit Berlin for a roundtable discussion in which we would be happy to invite you.
Manasseh would need an estimated USD 10,000 to cover travel expenses, hotel accommodation, facilitation and meetings.