Next steps February

Tegernsee: between Riederstein and Baumgartenschneid

Hainrichs Institute is speeding up to organize the World Peace Conference on September 21st 2025 in Berlin.

  • Date: 21. September 2025

  • Venue: Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin

  • Time: noon - sunset

Goal: To have all head of states to meet at the World Peace Conference 2025.

Outcome: All leaders sign a World Peace Treaty declaring to stopp all wars between or within countries.

Method: Personal invitation through our personal connections. We pass on invitations to each head of state from a person we know to a person we know (by hand). This way the invitations arrive to the head of state by a trusted person. We use what is known in social science the small world phenomenon: each person is personally connected to everybody in the world through around 6 people.

Supporting Process: We set up a network of people in Berlin who represent every nation in the world - there are people from over 170 nations living in Berlin. They are supposed to be “civil society hosts” for each head of state. We start a dialogue process between all hosts.

What we did:

  • Michael Lindenmaier joined the team. He is willing to lead the secretariat of the World Peace Conference.

  • New style for our website. We want a clear style with minimal information to focus on what needs to be done next.

  • Found a partner to make paper for invitations. Thank you to Raphael Grotthuss (picture) and Annamaria Leiste from papierwerk glockenback in Munich and the Handwerkerhof Gröbenzell at the Rudolf-Steiner-Schule Gröbenzell. We are looking forward to “feel” the handmade papers.

Next steps:

  • Work on language: Translate our idea in concrete next steps. Everybody should feel the need to support the idea to reach the desired outcome. Everybody feels invited to give and support to create the outcome together.

  • Find strong partners who help us to invite all head of states. We are looking for people who are very well connected to political leaders and can introduce us to leaders or pass on the invitation.

  • Find sponsors for our founding goal of 150’000 EUR: We are looking for sponsors who support the Hainrichs Institute to set up the World Peace Conference’s secretariat and cover costs for salaries, media content, infrastructure etc.

  • Prepare the invitations (list of head of states and distributors, text) and send them out in Q2.

  • Recruit civil society hosts from Berlin


UPDATE: Open House / Peace Forum 23.2.2025


Get Out There!