Tent of Peace. World Peace Forum Berlin 8.4.-16.4.2020

Tent of Peace in Berlin

Who wants to join and build the Tent of Peace in Berlin? We need masters to gather to craft peace in our world, today. Craftswomen and men — join, build on our Tent of Peace.

We will meet under the Tent of Peace — a World Peace Forum assembling all global efforts to create peace.

Come to Berlin.

  • Who wants to partner?



Where we meet. Jerusalem, Israel, 2015.

Where we meet. Jerusalem, Israel, 2015.

A conference to sign peace agreements.

This morning I had the idea of us organizing a World Peace Forum in Berlin in about one year time. The idea is to bring all leaders together, to negotiate and sign peace agreements. This will be a place where states who are enemies can declare peace. For example: Israel with Iran and Lebanon. Iran with the U.S., the U.S. with North-Korea. North Korea with South Korea. Japan with Russia, Russia with Ukraine and Georgia, Germany with Russia. Pakistan and India will declare the end of enmity. Peace, reconciliation and love. We are building patterns of trust.

Why Berlin?

We come together in a Tent of Peace, in Berlin Germany. Berlin has become a city of peace. 20 years after the peaceful unification of East and West Germany and the formal end of the Cold War — a war also in our hearts. It made our hearts hard. We can become friends. Berlin is the place where all nations and all faith and cultures can come together.

We, people in Berlin, can provide the spirit of peace. It’s who we are. Germany can show the world, how we are taking responsibility to create peace, We can also give back to the world the peace and reconciliation we received and learned after World War II. Thank you world.

Berlin will host the Peace of Tent next year. From there it can move on to other places in the world.

At night. Tel Aviv/Jaffa, Israel 2015

At night. Tel Aviv/Jaffa, Israel 2015

Why Pesach/Easter?

Our Tent of Peace will move. On 27.4.2020 till 22.5.2020 in New York we will have an UN nuclear disarmament conference called Treaty of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) Review Conference, an event that takes place every five years. Building up a focus to that event is what we do. It is a huge change. With previous peace agreements in place — done here in Berlin — all nine nuclear powers could join (including Israel, North Korea, Pakistan and India) and decide about the process of complete denuclearization and verification of nuclear weapon states. In New York on May 22nd 2020.

The Tent of Peace moves on. It will eventually come to Jerusalem.

In 2020, again the holy Christian Easter and Jewish Pesach/Pesah/Passover festival will take place. I assume the time and the atmosphere would be in favor to support our path for peace in the world. The mood would be in a good and powerful place.

Maybe, together with the moon, the Tent of Peace will take a few rounds around the world before coming to Jerusalem.

What is the goal?

World Peace is the goal. The Tent of Peace will walk around the world to then settle in Jerusalem to become the Temple. How does it sound to your heart. Do you feel happiness? #projectMessiah talks about it.

We give peace a change.

We give peace a chance.

Peace walks the direct way. Washington D.C., USA, August 2014.

Peace walks the direct way. Washington D.C., USA, August 2014.


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