Words in between
We have entered a new year. 10 years left till reaching the Global Development Goals in 2030. World peace is a goal. Of course. And still, people in power believe they can ignore the wish of our soul. We want peace.
Of course, no one to blame. We care all, all the time. We as human beings become softer, feeling deeper pain, healing pain, too. It is a normal process. Redemption, healing pain of our times. We connect and at the end we follow the path of enlightenment, healing our human soul together. While we walk we change.
This is happening in a world, where Iran and the U.S. is threatening each other using war as a possibility to find solutions. I can’t stand it. We lose time. Both countries are too smart to go on war anyways. We cannot destroy Israel and we cannot unite the muslim world (ummah) by defining an enemy. It’s not wanted. Allah is shaking His head. We need in both capitals to open embassies (US, in Teheran and an Iranian in Washington, D.C.); btw. you open embassies by talking. Two presidents are not able to talk with each other — what are weak behavior. I have no understanding when God or Allah is used as justification. Allah understands, of course, in His/Her mercy but I am not as patient as His endless power is. Furthermore the prophets do not have any patience, left. Their job is to be patient, of course, but, by God, it is such a ridiculous behavior to avoid talking: Jesus knows, Mohammed does, Moses and Abraham and their wives are shaking their heads. Brothers and sisters in power, we wait.
Would a women led government behave with force to signal strength? We need no power, we are already the most beautiful beings on earth, without power, force and strength. Become soft my brothers. Time to relax. Time to be human.
Well, I am annoyed. I can feel peace already becoming reality, while the empirically observable reality is still full of anger and injustice. Please help me to bridge that inner stretch by coming to reason and to become non-violent in our behavior and thoughts. It’s so human, it’s us. Disarm our mind, our hands and our country’s military arsenals.
Mother Earth needs our common understanding. She is the most powerful teacher we have, she does not allow weapons in the classroom, sorry NRA, sorry military leaders. You sit in the classroom, Earth is our classroom. Welcome back to life-long-learning. Cheers.
Let’s walk together. We all. Salaam, Shalom.