Oh when will we ever learn?

A song is traveling the world after a long war. Where have all the flowers gone? Peace we learn between nations, and peace we learn within us.

Hiding a bomb

Hiding the truth is like hiding a bomb. We gamble with the unknown until the truth finds its way out. Or to put it in another frame. If we try to hide the truth under massive walls of power, in the darkness of normality, the truth will eventually find its way out. Truth doesn’t like to be covered up by means of power. It wants to be free. The sad part about it. Our hiding means the suffering of innocent people. Power has no power, when it is not serving people.

Now we see a complete city exploding under a bomb that has the size of 1/11th of the nuclear Hiroshima Bomb.

Beirut is suffering because something that can explode like we have seen is stored in a port. This is so sad.

Why do we see explosions, why we not see peace?

We see mistakes, we see more mistakes and we see mistakes. One after the other. A American President not wearing masks, military leaders in Lebanon still claiming victory in an endless war. What for? Only to be right in a game where no one can be right. In a time when we only can learn from each other. Without creating victims. While people suffer for power full people’s power dreams. Wake up guys.

Clear your minds - while people clear the streets. Get tables out and sit together and talk peace. Not about peace, talk peace. Create trust. Talk peace. Same old song. Learn to trust each other. Open the warehouses and our ammunition depots and clear out the air. Forget about power. It harms our minds.

We will fail in this atmosphere of taking too many risks for mere power reason. God doesn’t like it. We neglect his commandments. And time creates space for mistakes that then lead to terrible consequences. We will suffer.

We have not mentioned yet the risks that our nuclear arsenals hold for us. This are also sleeping bombs — even though there is way more safeguard structure around it. But risks remain risks, and the nature of risks is gambling with time. With our life-time. Our responsibility to take care of our risks. And if that mean that we need to find peace — than this is the logical consequence and the price we pay. We gambled high when creating our bombs. And we can only win if we are ready for the next step. The end of deterrence, transparency and safeguard. Pragmatic Peace. Beyond power driven and egocentric judgments. Peace comes with a price. The price is to leave our hate behind us.

Learning together

At the same time in Abu Dhabi — normalization talks between Israel and the UAE. What is the truth we hear, what is the path we follow? Here we see, that people come together to learn together and to share, what they can do together. People of different nations and of different cultural backgrounds. But shouldn’t it be normal to come together as people of different nations. That should simply be normal. What mindset keeps preventing us from doing so? What can I do to reach out to my neighbors? And how can I talk and think about my neighbors. How do we share being human on earth together?

What kind of doubt hinders us to get together? What kind of shade of time is holding us apart from talking together as human beings? What kind of exchange are we listening to, if we do not react with judgment but curiosity, with modesty and not with power to what we share? How much could grow out of our conversations and exchanges?

Language is something so beautiful. And by being aware of our words we can create a very beautiful exchange and interaction of words — and minds. At the end of our conversation we also heal our mind and let our heart grow in peace.


Live Science: Beirut blast was one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions ever


Peace Letter October 2020


Dreaming of great peace