Peace Letter Dominikus Vogl Peace Letter Dominikus Vogl

Peace Letter February 2021

As we move and try to find answers to severe problems. Our hearts and minds get tight and narrow. While Mother Earth keeps getting warmer and warmer. We can hide in front of green screens to pretend that we are fine, at the end, it will be our generation that is responsible for our BIG transformation. Keep dreaming about it and trust in who you are. Peace, Salam, Shalom.

On Peace 2021 (01)


When is world peace? In 11 month and 8 years. What means trust? What do we build, what is growing and nurturing when we trust each other? What place is it — is waiting for us to be seen?

I don’t know the answer; I am curious. Are you curious, too?

How do we love, when we trust — combining our connecting energies. Are we looking at each other with love, compassion and regard? Are we ready to follow trust and feel it in us? Without pain and fear. What does our heart tell us?

November was warm, again

Dear friends,

November 2020 was very warm. There has only been one warmer November in the past 141 years — a few years ago. December — also warm: “was the sixth warmest on record, with the six warmest Decembers occurring in the last six years.” Are we getting numb to these kind of news? Do we silence us? Together. Are we teaming up being silent? There are serious issues waiting for our beautiful minds and kind souls to find solutions. Solutions, we only can find together. Must solve together. A world without wars — peace in our heart, in our words and in our actions — is only one of many tasks. Nuclear disarmament only one step in a specific task. A milestone in history. Not more. In the aisles of nuclear disarmament, climate change is a green screen — a background.

We are getting above average, globally and in Europe

We are getting above average, globally and in Europe

What should we do?

We find love and trust in us. In our heart. It’s me. I am trust. It’s a very vulnerable place in us, too: our mind, our heart. By intertwining our heart and our mind, we can do things, we can only solve with trust, such as no nukes in Europe. Only one step in our tasks of nuclear disarmament. Not more. Currently there are 4 countries (France, UK, Russia, U.S.) who have nuclear weapons in Europe plus 5 countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Turkey) who are part of NATO’s nuclear sharing. Only 4+5 = 9 countries, who need to say no nuclear weapons in Europe. People of nine countries who need to grow in trust. Together. Only together. We can decide, that from today on nuclear explosions are only special effects for green screens.

How can we share trust?

We need to take the idea of power out when we think and share our thoughts. It has been a warm November. Our heart and our mind don’t want enemies. We can solve problems together. Us. As a team of, as citizens. We can write our members of parliament around the world to ask to de-alert our national nuclear weapons or in the case of Germany to stop nuclear sharing. We should be aware, that in the case of a nuclear war, we as humans will all suffer together — by defending our national states, we destroy humanity. We need to over come and gonna lay down our atom bombs… down by the river side. The current doctrine is destroying our heart. By accepting nuclear deterrence we close our heart and we shut down our compassion. We die from inside slowly, while we threat to destroy our sisters and brothers around the world. My heart is crying, as much as you explain me the rational behind it. Where is love? We can vote and we can write to our parliaments. We can open spaces for discussion to adress new pathways of security. I just heart that we feel secure if we feel love. I like it. Jusus would love it, too, my Christian friends who are so in favor of nuclear weapons. Where is your unconditional trust and love, like Jesus has?

We need to bridge the gap of enmity and start to meet and to move together. We will not be able to dominate and we will not be able to separate since we are one human nation — one family, one humanity. It’s quite an empirical fact. We can give us love and trust. The currency, the security of our time. We will need us all to manage our global transformation. We should get engaged with our mind and our heart. Loving and trusting — as humans. Isn’t it beautiful? We let our beauty shine and we are not focusing our mind on destruction but on life and sharing. Overcome and transform yourself. We focus with our hearts. We work with love — we listen to our hearts, even if its painful sometimes. Trusting is painful. We express our love in our words and in our mind. All what we need is in our heart. Even our courage.

Having courage

Imagine trust as a unifying power — from within us, growing together: you, me, our neighbors, all of us. A connection powerful enough to take our nuclear weapons into the dismantling chambers of our time. On technical step. Not more. We give us a feeling of security that reaches beyond might and destruction. We become strong together, from inside. Without nuclear weapons. We can give it to us — a compassionate heart and a receptive voice. We listen to each other.

“Lift up your heads, O gates! Be lifted up” (Psalm 24:8) Let’s do it. We open our hearts — our mighty gates. “Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle?” Mighty and strong are people who do not want to fight nor start a battle. People who do not escalate but mediate conflicts and turn them down peacefully. Our hearts healing conflicts — mighty in battle. A house without nuclear warheads. Turned down peacefully. The path to our heart doesn’t need a battle, it needs courage. Courage to stop the fight. Who am I if I am not fighting? “Who is the King of glory?” We find a beautiful voice in our hearts. We should open gates to walk out of our fortress, designed to host battles and competitions. Our heart, our mind. We need places to share and encourage. We pass gates, meeting peacefully — together. As a global family. Nuclearfree. We trust each other, honestly — no green-screen needed.

Do you see your beauty?

We need to be courageous to love, love is such a vulnerable place in us. We need to be courageous to trust, embracing the unknown. We can share our courage. We can feel our love, when we meet. You and I. Together we can be courageous to create space for people to meet, to integrate. Again and again. We should speak positively and compassionately about other people to nurture our heart energy together. We can give and share love and trust till one day we come together and decide, that we don’t need nuclear weapons anymore in Europe — or in America or in Asia. In full awareness of our vulnerability and fear, we can grow in our courage towards peace. Together as human beings, we can hold the pain and tears of the past, the present and the future. And we can meet together and decide together as human beings. Vulnerable and trusting. It has been a warm November. We can meet in love, trust and understanding. We can practice it every day in our routines, with our neighbors, friends and family. With our practice — a shift in our mind — we let the light of peace and love in our heat shine with more ease. Without anger or ego. A healing energy in us — an open and calm heart and mind, full of life. Without seeking constantly the opposite other, a pattern, that keeps our heart and mind closed, hurt, and violent. A soft and calm mind — free. We can give us love and we can observe how our trust is growing, together. Again and Again.

Word to hear

How to summarize my thoughts? It's just a drop in the water of time. There is more to learn:

  • Courage: our open heart, a nonviolent mind, welcoming people, creating space for dialogue

  • Trust: nurturing the feeling of connection in us.

  • Love: a superpower that guides us to trust and keeps us there.

  • Together: No matter what — we can only do it together. Peace only works if all come together.

  • Giving: The power of growing and nurturing together — from our heart.

  • Healing: a peaceful mind and a nonviolent spirit in our heart. Nurturing our healing and not our pain in us.

Best wishes from Berlin, peace in our hearts, peace in our world, Salam, Shalom



Why us?

Why us and why? Our world. And us. Shining together and shining from afar. Getting close and getting apart. Why us?

In a world without us, we ask why us? In our world we can say us. Welcome. Join in to us.

How to sing together and to share our garden? Jericho 2015

How to sing together and to share our garden? Jericho 2015

NEWS OF THE MONTH — signals of trust and unity

  1. Russian Federation and U.S. agree to extend NEW Start treaty: The United States and Russia had "agreed in principle" to extend the arms treaty by five years following a phone call between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin (26.01.2021).

  2. The Nuclear Ban Treaty enters into force: The first-ever treaty to ban nuclear weapons entered into force. The international pact has been ratified by 51 states, though none are nuclear powers. Germany, which hosts US warheads, also hasn't signed on. Learn more about this journey and civil society engagement (22.01.2021)

  3. UAE Ambassador on first visit to Israel: The new UAE Ambassador to Israel Mohammad Mahmoud Al Khajah had his first visit to Jerusalem. In a ceremony Israeli President Rivlin said: “Leaders sign deals, but real peace, lasting peace — [that] peace is made ‘people to people,’ face to face,” wishing Al Khaja success in his new diplomatic role. (1.3.2021)

The UN headquarter speaks out. There is a treaty that declares nuclear weapons as illegal. We should join.

The UN headquarter speaks out. There is a treaty that declares nuclear weapons as illegal. We should join.

Zum Frieden 2021 (01)


Wann ist Weltfrieden? In 12 Monat und 8 Jahren. Was meinen wir eigentlich, wenn wir von Vertrauen sprechen? Welche Kraft in uns sprechen wir an, wecken wir zum Leben, fördern wir? Welchen Ort schaffen wir, wenn wir vertrauen?

Kennen wir die Antwort? Ich kenne sie nicht. Lernen wir diese Kraft erst kennen? Ich lerne sie auf jeden Fall erst kennen.

Welche Rolle spielt eigentlich die Liebe — diese verbindende Kraft unter uns Menschen — wenn wir vertrauen? Sehen wir uns an und spüren wir Liebe, Anteilnahme und Wertschätzung in uns. (?) Können wir so richtig ins Vertrauen gehen? Ohne Schmerz. Was sagt unser Herz?

Auch der November war wieder sehr warm

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

auch der November 2020 war wieder sehr warm. Es gab in den letzten 141 Jahren einen wärmeren November. Der Dezember — auch warm: der sechst wärmste Dezember, wobei die sechs wärmsten Dezember in den letzten sechs Jahren gemessen wurden. Gewöhnen wir uns an diese Nachrichten? Werden wir stumm? Gemeinsam. Wir haben ernsthafte Probleme in dieser Welt, die wir nur gemeinsam lösen können. Gemeinsam lösen müssen. Frieden schaffen ist dabei nur eine Aufgabe von vielen. Atomraketen abrüsten wiederum nur ein Schritt in diesem Arbeitspaket, ein Meilenstein. Mehr nicht. Klimawandel ist im Abrüstungsprozess der green screen — so würde man das im Film sagen — der Hintergrund vor dem sich alles abspielt.

Das Wetter im November war nicht normal - eine globale Perspektive.

Das Wetter im November war nicht normal - eine globale Perspektive.

Was anpacken?

Wir finden Liebe und Vertrauen in uns. In unserem Herzen. Bei mir. Wir finden es an dem Ort, an dem wir am verletzlichsten sind. In unserem Geist, in unserem Herzen. Und wenn wir unsere Herzen und unseren Geist verbinden, dann können wir Dinge bewegen, die sich im Vertrauen machen lassen: z.B. keine Atomwaffen in Europa. Nur ein Teilpaket im Arbeitspaket nukleare Abrüstung. Mehr nicht. In Europa sind derzeit Atomwaffen von vier Nationen (Frankreich, Großbritannien, Russland und USA), stationiert in insgesamt 9 Ländern (+ Deutschland, Niederlande, Belgien, Italien, Türkei). Also müssen sich insgesamt neun Länder darauf einigen, keine Atomwaffen in Europa zu haben — dem müsste dann noch die NATO zustimmen. Gemeinsam. Neun Länder die sagen, Atomexplosion gibt es jetzt nur noch als Special Effects für green screens und nicht mehr als starre Säule — und goldene Kalb — der Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Schaffen wir es? Feindschaft überwinden wir gemeinsam.

Wo siehst Du täglich Vertrauen in Dir?

Es ist wichtig, dass wir machtpolitisches Denken aufgeben. Es war ein sehr warmer November. Feindschaft in unserem Geist und Herzen überwinden. Uns zusammentun für Lösungen. Das ist eine zivilgesellschaftliche Aufgabe. Wir können unsere Abgeordneten anschreiben und sie ermutigen, sich in ihren Fraktionen für einen Abzug von US Atomwaffen auszusprechen — warum stellen die beiden Christlichen Unionsparteien die Sicherheit des Staates über die unaussprechlichen menschlichen Schäden eines Atomeinsatzes — Der Einsatz von Atomwaffen trifft Menschen, egal in welchen Staaten. Alleine die Androhung des Einsatzes ist Gewalt gegen unsere Herzen. Allein der Gedanke zerstört schon. Nimmt uns Liebe. Wir können Wahlprogramme ansehen und Parteien, die den Abzug von Atomwaffen nach den Wahlen 2021 umsetzen, wählen. Vor allem müssen wir aufeinander zugehen und Vertrauen schenken. Transformation braucht uns alle. All unseren Geist und unser Herz. All unsere Liebe und Vertrauen. Schenken wir uns Liebe und Verständnis und lassen wir diese Kraft durch Worte zwischen uns Menschen wachsen — gemeinsam. Richten wir keinen gewalttägigen Geist mehr gegen andere Menschen. Unser Herz richtet sich neu aus. Aus der jetzigen Patt-Situation kommen wir mit Gewalt nicht heraus — einfach nur mit sehr viel Liebe. Liebe in unseren Worten und Gedanken. Alles was wir brauchen, ist in unserem Herzen. Auch Mut.

Mut ist schön

Stellen wir uns Vertrauen als Kraft vor, die in uns gemeinsam reift, bei Dir bei mir, nebenan. Eine Kraft, die so mutig ist, dass wir die Atomwaffen in die Abrüstungshallen der Geschichte bringen. Mehr nicht. Ein Weg. Sicherheit in unserem Herzen, die jenseits von Gewalt und Zerstörung ruht. Schenken wir uns dieses Gefühl. Beschenken wir uns! Mit unseren Herzen, einend, nicht trennend. Verletzlich und schön. Warum möchten wir nukleare Waffen in unserem Land? Warum möchten wir, dass Deutsche Pilot:innen diese in Ländern abwerfen und menschliches Leid bringen? Egal wo auf unserer Welt. Ich möchte das nicht. Wir sind eine Menschheitsfamilie.

“Macht hoch die Türe die Tore macht weit” machen wir es, öffnen wir unsere Herzen, welche Türe denn sonst? Psalm 24:8 spricht von der Kraft die “stark und mächtig … mächtig im Streit” ist. Mächtig im Streit sind diejenigen, die keine Lust auf Streit haben. Konflikte nicht eskalieren sondern friedlich zum Ende bringen und heilen. Menschen, die mit ihren Herzen heilen. Das ist die Größe, die wir so oft mit Waffengewalt und im Kampf suchen. Der Weg zu unseren Herzen benötigt keinen Kampf, sondern Mut. Den Mut nicht mehr zu kämpfen. Wer bin ich dann noch? (Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.) “Macht hoch die Türe die Tore macht weit” offene Herzen, offene Tore, die kein Kräftemessen brauchen. Das sind friedliche Orte. Dort möchte ich verweilen und dort treffen wir uns. Ohne Nuklearwaffen. Ein Ort des Vertrauens, der keinen green-screen benötigt.

Erkennst Du, wie schön Du bist?

Liebe braucht auch Mut. Vertrauen braucht Mut. Schenken wir uns Mut. Fühlen wir die Liebe, wenn wir uns begegnen. Du und ich. Mutig Begegnungen schaffen — immer und immer wieder. Sprechen wir gut über andere Menschen und lassen wir diese gütige Kraft in uns gemeinsam reifen. Schenken wir uns diese Kraft so lange, bis wir eines Tages zusammenkommen und beschließen, dass wir keine Atomwaffen mehr in Europa möchten. Mut in uns reifen lassen, mit dem Bewusstsein unserer Schwäche und Angst. Auch unserer Trauer. Ist ja alles in uns. Es war ein sehr warmer November. Begegnen wir uns mit Liebe, Vertrauen und Verständnis. Üben wir es ein. Dann scheint auch das Licht des Friedens und der Liebe klarer in uns — ohne Eitelkeit und Zorn. Als heilende Kraft in uns, ein ruhiges Herz und ruhender Geist, der sich nicht eine Gegenspielerin, ein Gegenüber sucht. Ein weicher Geist. Schenken wir uns Liebe heute und beobachten wir unser Vertrauen.

Schlagworte — ups Hörworte

  • Mut: Offenes Herz, gewaltfreier Geist, auf Menschen zugehen. Räume für Dialog schaffen.

  • Vertrauen : Verbundenheit mit den Menschen in uns reifen lassen.

  • Liebe: Liebe ist so eine tolle Kraft in uns, die uns ins Vertrauen bringt und dort hält.

  • Gemeinsamkeit: Ob Kleines oder Großes, geht nur gemeinsam. Frieden geht nur mit allen.

  • Schenken: Freude zu wachsen und zu werden. Geben wir uns die Kraft.

  • Nicht streiten: Gewaltfreier Geist und Herz. Die Heilung und nicht den Schmerz in uns pflegen.

Ein gutes neues Jahr, Licht und Liebe und Frieden in unseren Herzen, Salam, Shalom



Ein Jahr:

Ein Tag und die Stunde. Durchs Jahr geht die Kunde. Durch die Zeit geht Kraft und Zeit geht mit uns. Kraftlos.

Und wir? Wir bleiben, wir gehen, wir treiben. Wir stolpern und fallen und richten mit Zeit uns auf. Gemeinsam.

Nicht fallen lassen, ein Jahr.


NEWS OF THE MONTH — signals of trust and unity

  1. Russian Federation and U.S. agree to extend NEW Start treaty: The United States and Russia had "agreed in principle" to extend the arms treaty by five years following a phone call between US President Joe Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin (26.01.2021).

  2. The Nuclear Ban Treaty enters into force: The first-ever treaty to ban nuclear weapons entered into force. The international pact has been ratified by 51 states, though none are nuclear powers. Germany, which hosts US warheads, also hasn't signed on. Learn more about this journey and civil society engagement (22.01.2021)

  3. UAE Ambassador on first visit to Israel: The new UAE Ambassador to Israel Mohammad Mahmoud Al Khajah had his first visit to Jerusalem. In a ceremony Israeli President Rivlin said: “Leaders sign deals, but real peace, lasting peace — [that] peace is made ‘people to people,’ face to face,” wishing Al Khaja success in his new diplomatic role. (1.3.2021)

The street in Berlin speaks out. There is a treaty that declares nuclear weapons as illegal. We should join.

The street in Berlin speaks out. There is a treaty that declares nuclear weapons as illegal. We should join.

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Peace Letter, Tent of Peace Dominikus Vogl Peace Letter, Tent of Peace Dominikus Vogl

Peace Letter November 2020

When we count our steps, we start with one, than two, and eventually get into a rhythm. In that same rhythm we walk through life. Counting our steps. Listening to our heartbeat. Listening to the rhythm of our life. Do we listen to all — are we aware that we are the reason for the loss of biodiversity and hottest Octobers on Earth? Is peace part of our next steps? Or do we still listen to the rhythm of might and power? I stopped.

How do we learn to be vulnerable, to see our beauty?

50 states (green) have declared: we don’t want nuclear weapons and we don’t want to threaten anybody with using nuclear weapons. Courageous. These states decided to be vulnerable. For the sake of humanity. Wouldn’t it be great if all 193 states on earth would say that? Wouldn’t it be great if we all say to our neighbors “I don’t want to threaten you with my weapons anymore.” We should work towards that goal. Together. With. Opening our minds and sharing our knowledge.

Step by step and together. With each other and not against each other. With Mother Nature and not against Her. Becoming more vulnerable with each step . We start to see each other and learn to trust each other. Step by step. With.

Good health to you and your family. Peace, Salam, Shalom.

On Peace 2020 (02)


When is world peace? In 2 months and 9 years. Our wishes follow their own rhythms. Usually we learn walking in the first years of our life. How long does it take to learn a language? How much of what we learn has a rhythm? Unique. Why do I want to talk, why do I run to walk? Are we imitating what is around us or are we able to feel our wish to talk, our wish to walk?

What rhythm do I follow when we think of becoming vulnerable — who can teach us? Maybe a rhythm very deep in us.

Who is my new teacher after the highest mountain learned me to climb and the deepest ocean to swim; and the biggest nuclear bomb to destroy? Who is next? Time to be vulnerable.

What is the new rhythm even if the biggest nuclear bomb can not teach me anything new anymore? What is the rhythm of peace?

Do we want to learn? Do we need to learn — together? Without climbing, without swimming, without destroying.

What is your wish? How is your wish a wish of all of us? Can you hear its unique sound — so familiar to all of us. Our wishes come with a rhythm and we are part of it. Maybe we are all part of your wish, too?

Wishing to be vulnerable

Dear friends,

Brené Brown says in her TED-Talk: “What makes me vulnerable makes me beautiful.” She continuous: “In order to allow for connection to happen, we need to allow us to be really seen.” In all our beauty. Being vulnerable. Fear of disconnection, fear of not being good enough is in our way. We struggle together in being worth enough for each other. We struggle in our wish for love and belonging. Our wish. A rhythm. A race we cannot win, a mountain we cannot climb, a ocean we cannot cross, a bomb we cannot detonate. What rhythm is it? Something we can only hear together. Our heart beat of connection.

What makes you feel vulnerable?

In his documentary A Life on Our Planet, David Attenborough speaks of a “vulnerable world”, a world where we cannot go against Mother Nature but only with it. I read about the loss of biodiversity, for example as one of the planetary boundaries (can you find it at 11 hours?), but basically ignored it — this film has changed that. It also shows that we can only do things WITH each other, not against each other. With:

  1. We’ve got what we need for change.

  2. With each other we can learn from each other.

  3. We improve what we need to change.

With is simple. With is change.

We need to change. There is no planet B (something I took from last month’s homeschooling lesson).

It is still puzzling my head with the information I got in my homeschooling lesson on nuclear weapons systems. I was so confused to listen to security experts talking about the future of weapons systems, sharing their knowledge on technological innovations, and then putting it in the frame of national security, technological advantage and, of course, nuclear deterrence.

  • What technologies do we need to deter effectively?

  • What knowledge do we need for that and how do we make sure, that only we have the knowledge and the new weapons significantly sooner than our “adversaries”.

With. With not against. With is simple. With is new.

The perception and security structure we need to gain back biodiversity, our battle, has not yet come to our mind and heart. A forceful rhythm, a rhythm able to detonate nuclear bombs, still tells us what to do. Hence, we still prepare our next war. We still study war. A rhythm that forces our mind to think in categories of separation and hate. I left that classroom. Too complex for me. With is simple. Study war no more. In a separate room, I found a book and it said: With. Will we be able to dance in the rhythm of connection, again?

Learning being vulnerable

Instead of learning how to trust each other, we still try learning to be stronger, greater and less vulnerable. We fail to negotiate meaningful arms treaties, while the arctic waters don’t cool down. We clink to fights while the easiest way is to say “I am sorry”. Who is saying it first? Moving on together. Our mind sets us again and again on a race track; our heart beats us every moment through an arms race. Hurry up. Sign with hypersonic speed, before we all can swim to the North Pole.

We are competing against time — how do we want to win a race against time? Being vulnerable also means being faster and light. With nuclear weapons we carry a lot of weight. How can we move freely if we have to maneuver 13’000 nuclear warheads every moment around the world? A rational mind says: we need to disarm, we need to reduce risks. Nuclear deterrence does not allow to reduce any risks in the future, because we will not be vulnerable enough and not able to build trust. All we see is a dangerous world, and not a world that is a partner.

What we can do today is to listen to time and to invite time to sit with us. It’s an invitation. We can share time together. Here and now. Anywhere. Anytime. And we have words to share, while we share time. And we will be vulnerable, while we listen. With. With time and with our neighbors — the one next door, the one across the ocean, brother snake and sister tree. If we think of a shared world, we definitely need to think of a planetary unity, including all beings on Mother Earth.

What are trustful signs of vulnerability?

Listening to all allows us to learn from each other. We need each other to learn from each other. What we know is simply not enough to solve our problems. We need to overcome my own ignorance, by listening and learning. Organizing transformation also means to be open for what is new and unknown. We need to trust to reveal what we haven’t learnt yet. And we are 7.6 billion people, we can learn from. What are we afraid of? Instead of learning how to cooperate, we raise military budgets. How is this a sign of trust? What are we afraid of — we need to learn anyways, why not now. What are we and our leaders afraid of? Why do we still need nuclear deterrence? We cannot beat time! With. What are the places that can teach us? Our colorful war textbooks, demonizing the enemy? No. Next chapter — study world peace. Opening the chapter that can teach me, time joins to teach me. With. Us. Together. Vulnerable. Beautiful. Our task is not to become stronger — we cannot win against time (we need to get war out of our present mind and future’s minds — why does anybody needs 500 new ships till 2045 — guys we will work hard on peace, we will do our job till 2030) — but to become weak and soft. To share our weakness, uncertainty, vulnerability, to be wrong, to be human. To be able to learn from each other. To share. It’s human not to win and not to know. Normal. With.

“- Hey Joe, my hypersonic missile passes Mach 5 now.

- Wow Vladimir, mine just made Mach 5, too. What a fun game to play… How should we continue?”

How do we invite time in our house? We open the door, light a candle. We walk together and we share — we share to learn, to be wise (not wiser, it’s not a race). An open door — to our mind, to our heart. We just don’t want to keep our knowledge secret anymore. In our concept of trust and unity, keeping secrets that harm someone hurts. It hurts our soul. I hope we kinda get it soon and start to share our secrets, collectively — “Hey Joe, my hypersonic missile passed Mach 5. Wow Vladimir, mine just made Mach 5, too.” Great exchange of knowledge, great learning. For what? I hope that our stories will be more exciting. In order to learn, in order to grow and to care, we want to be vulnerable. And we need to, are asked to. With.

Beauty is being vulnerable

What kind of power is our mind, if we constantly think in secrets, weapons systems and by trying to become stronger? How free and liberated are we? What rhythm are we listening to? How feels our heartbeat if we focus on seeking advantage of any situation? Do we listen? Do we care if our action harms us, someone else and the environment? I am tired of that rhythm that solves problems through might and power. It hurts. Power hinders us to share knowledge because we seek advantage first.

Still relevant questions of our time. Have we worked together on answers?

Still relevant questions of our time. Have we worked together on answers?

Why not sharing knowledge? We don’t seek connection with people. We rather keep our nuclear warheads hidden; we do not move the stone in front of our nuclear tombs. We don’t want to crucify them for peace. Redemption — not in our lifetime — we hold on to our nukes. OMG, what would Jesus say? While we pray at our holy sites for redemption, we are holding on to our nuclear arsenals only a few Parsa'ot (distance a person can walk in one hour) away. Holding on to power. What invisible walls are between now and peace?

Redemption is easy. Verify. Verification is easy. Share knowledge. Yet, we don’t want to be vulnerable. We still prefer to run against time. We are still not at home. Still in exile — dominated by our weapon systems. Slaves of a rhythm we don’t want to be part anymore. Our heart is disconnected from time. Threatening each other with nuclear warheads can’t bridge that gap. As long as we go against each other, we cannot win that race. With.

How to be vulnerable and staying connected? How can I share what I have? And how can we work together without overpowering each other? First, we leave our weapons at home. We also speak in words that are not seeking advantage, we listen. We cook together and we do the dishes together. We leave our protective tools in the bunkers of our time.

Can you imagine 13,000 nuclear bombs in your kitchen (a pile of dishes twice as high as the Mt. Everest) — and all the submarines and bombers in your parking lot? I mean, that is what’s going on if you take the perspective of Mother Earth and think of the airspace and the oceans as basically our parking lot. We are cowards, if we show up to her table with all our tools. It’s a weapon free zone — our mind, our heart and our world. Be courageous. With.

Are you interested in being vulnerable?

Being vulnerable means to do dishes together, while we talk. We do our homework together. Each move of our hands teaching us how to be vulnerable. How to be in this unknown space. The unknown that is not a doomsday we prepare for with our mind, heart and weapon systems. Our future is based on sharing and caring. We’ve got the technologies to do both — we have a mind to decide. I made up my mind. I am interested in being vulnerable. Vulnerable is beautiful. I want to see what a world looks like, that is not fueled by the idea of deterrence.

Being vulnerable means awareness and balance. Vulnerable societies know their limits and do not harm themselves — they create structures and decision making processes that are based on the needs of everybody. We give up strength and power to gain balance and wisdom. With wisdom we can create change, with change we can save our world. A wise person also knows the moment to stop — stop winning. The beautiful movie the “The Queen’s Gambit” shows us how, with a lot of humility, we know when the player we play with, has more knowledge and will always have the better answer to our next move. Time to stop (Trailer: 00:10). Watch or join in with Josie, an ukulele teacher, to lay down our might.

There is no planet B. But there are still 13,000 nuclear warheads on planet A — 20 of which in Germany. Are we still trying to win a game? I don’t get it?

Peace is teamwork

We do change together. We should encourage each other every day to believe in our abilities to do change together. Yes. We should get used to it. I can’t do it myself. So can’t you. Don’t forget, we are many. We all take care of different topics at the same time — aware that we are connected and aware of our intention not to harm each other. And we do it. It’s a rich, amazing and beautiful world, and the world is working with us — not against us. With. Mother Nature cares. So do we. Arms Control, for example, we do together. Only together.

Yes we have answers (Source: Capturing Technology. Rethinking Arms Control). Yes we have a treaty to join. The table is set.

Yes we have answers (Source: Capturing Technology. Rethinking Arms Control). Yes we have a treaty to join. The table is set.

Nonviolent: writing our new textbook

How to summarize my thoughts? It's just a drop in the water of time. There is more to learn:

  • Vulnerability: Leave power behind to become beautiful.

  • Wisdom: The ability to listen and to learn from all — we know that we don’t know.

  • Caring: Working together to manage our challenging problems.

  • Doing dishes together: What we give with all our heart. Sharing. Not hiding and not wanting to hide our knowledge, feelings and thoughts.

  • Balance: In balance with our eco-system partners (waves, trees, animals, mountains).

  • Time: Our shared rhythm of peace.

Best wishes from Berlin, peace in our hearts, peace in our world, Salam, Shalom




Almost a constant way of being; never in the scope of doing.

Sometimes moments become mountains, and mountains become dreams.

We hear a bird softly touching gras.

As we walk, time walks, in us.

How to sing together and to share our garden? Jericho 2015

How to sing together and to share our garden? Jericho 2015

NEWS OF THE MONTH — signals of trust and unity

  1. Sudan announces normalization with Israel: Sudan is the third country to announce normalization and a peace-deal with Israel, after the UAE and Bahrain have done in the weeks before. Sudan and Israel's leaders "agreed to the normalization of relations...and to the end the state of belligerence between their nations," as well as economic and trade ties. (24.10.2020) Also insights by the US ambassador to Israel on ongoing cooperation talks between Israel and UAE. Read also Barak’s (read from 3. Scoop) piece on the Israel-Emirate cooperation to broker normalization with Sudan.

  2. A treaty to ban nuclear weapons will enter into force in 90 days: Honduras is the 50th country to to ratify the Nuclear Weapon Ban Treaty. The treaty prohibits the development, stationing and also the threat to use nuclear weapons. Though nuclear weapons will be considered illegal by international law, Germany and many European countries are not willing to sign this treaty — Sorry, I forgot to mention the nuclear states that boycotted the treaty — apologize for my ignorance. (26.10.2020)

  3. Libya: Talks will start in Tunisia. The UN is organizing a Libyan Political Dialogue Forum starting in Tunisia in November. Peace is not in sight but bringing members of many different parts of society together is already considered a success. Hope works patiently.

After 50 ratifications, the #nuclearban treaty will enter into force. Thank you ican.

After 50 ratifications, the #nuclearban treaty will enter into force. Thank you ican.

These walls have seen a lot — Jerusalem. Passing in stones of friendship

These walls have seen a lot — Jerusalem. Passing in stones of friendship

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Tent of Peace, Peace Letter Dominikus Vogl Tent of Peace, Peace Letter Dominikus Vogl

Peace Letter October 2020

Dear friends, will we see peace traveling the world, while we all try to do our best to find answers for a pandemic? Will we see signs of hope or rather signs of conflict and suffering? Will we be able to find answers together. To find a new normal of togetherness. For sure, not an easy road to travel on — sometimes skies will be clear, sometimes almost with no sight. Dare we to ask, if we can trust each other every day? And are we able to create waves of solidarity, a logic of unity and exchange that will allow for disarmament, peace and coexistence? Covid-19 silenced our places and cleared our schedules. Who actually is able to silence us? How can we use the crisis to learn together? Homeschooling. Peace, Salam, Shalom.

Zur Deutschen Version

On Peace 2020 (01)


When is world peace? In 3 months and 9 years. We. Why we? Why not someone else? Why is there just us? I am concerned, that we are going to pass on very serious problems to our children: climate change, armed conflicts, enmity, racism, arms race, injustice, overusing our Mother's natural resources, to only name a few. I am concerned, since we are aware, but we refuse to work hard on solutions. Maybe we are afraid to be human? The weapons of our time are cooperation, exchange and trust, yet we are afraid of using them. Afraid of honest dialogue. Vulnerable moment. Afraid to listen to our words and perspectives. Instead, we do not listen but hide behind enmity and blaming.

We will only solve today's problems with shared action. Together. Problems are more complex, and we get more aware of complexity. We are more aware. It’s great. Now we do our homework. How to create togetherness? With trust. Let it grow. Become trust. Trust is not easy, and for sure for some of us painful, yet possible. We should work with what is possible. We are a source of trust. We can co-create it and make it shiny. Trust needs care and we are the only one who can create it. It’s in us. It’s us. Shining and meaningful trust. Not shiny and life-destroying nuclear warheads — means for a Cold War II world. We have alternatives. It’s in us. With trust we let light into our hearts and minds. With trust we connect to peace in us.

Thinking of our bucket list — today’s problems — I feel a chill. Dealing with climate change, global injustice, rising military budgets, and a pandemic; feeling cold. Our pandemic gives us time, time we haven't asked for. Time, that was not in our calendar. Time to think about what matters. Do we need enemies? Can we support military spending on goods like nuclear weapons, and it’s shiny modernization in the next two decades? For sure not cheap. Why do we think we need it? Do we want to support money spent on military needs? It felt so normal not to question our decisions, now we need to — our future is not a military arsenal. Do we need our airplanes, submarines, launchers and other tools to keep our enemy in check? To deter effectively? Do we need our enemy? Isn't it cheaper to become vulnerable and to focus on our most challenging issues of our time, such as: solidarity, equality, innovation, unity, health, trust and the steps to make peace today? We are connected human beings, our hearts are connected, and we are wonderful and beautiful, every day. The foundations for peace, we can only build together. With our trust. Only together — the rule of trust — and only if we want to. It’s us.

We got forced into homeschooling by the river of time; we are back in the same classroom. Let's learn together. Let’s take care of each other’s learning steps.

Homeschooling with Mother Earth

Dear friends,

Mother Earth has the key to our classroom, she opens the door, sets the starting date and gives us assignments. She‘s a strict teacher, an honest teacher, too. She teaches us with humility and determination. Today’s schedule is tight. Doing my homework, I remember, I sat down, studied, understood, came up with results, wrote them down and got some sort of grade as an immediate feedback. This year we've got very difficult assignments, global assignments. We need to partner. We need to partner in the classroom, each one of us with each one of us. Doing while talking. Together we cannot fail. We cannot ignore somebody and we need to come closer together — but not closer than 1.5 m, aha. Whether we like it or not — that is not the assignment’s question. Our assignment is not to judge or to like or to not like, our assignment is to come together — we are allowed to open the windows to let fresh air in, though. We are one community of human beings on earth — one world, one heart. And we need to take care of our world. Our home.

We feel our Mother's power and Her ability to set the pace. She sets the rules. And she checks if we comply. She allows only for utmost honesty — lying or cheating won’t work. She masters time. We cannot hide behind words or walls to hide or protect. Perceiving a pandemic and climate change connects us to deep fears. Today, we reach out for clear-cut answers, just to touch the unknown. We lack answers and knowledge — confronting us with our own ignorance. It’s scary. We can see how vulnerable we are. Becoming aware of my own ignorance. What is my role, what to do? Sounds like a crisis scenario. It is.

Have you felt vulnerable in the past month?

We are in a crisis. It is a chance. Our days hold so many chances to transform our societies from a logic of power and dominance towards a system of solidarity, justice and healing. One classroom — chatting and sharing wanted — required to solve complex problems. Today we will not be winner or loser, last or first. If we compete we will not get anywhere. “Hey guys I am first!! Wait where are you?” We walk the path together and we arrive together. We do it together. Supporting us. Following the roots of trust. I wonder if it feels like walking backwards?

Mother Earth is healing

A hypothesis. Assuming we are all connected, and assuming we are all going through a period of healing. Mother Earth is healing and we are healing, too. Connected. It must be painful for us to open our inner walls, deep in us. Crossing the streets to forgive. To be confronted with our stereotypes, prejudices; us — them. More assumptions: Healing means to allow trust to grow, to soften our hearts, constantly growing in trust. We gravitate intuitively towards the light that is shining in our heart and expresses togetherness. Light is in us. We need light to grow. By following our light, by being who we are, we become trust. Light follows light. Why is trust powerful? We become soft. Aware. More assumptions. Leaving the path of our trust, by being not honest or hostile to someone, comes with some sort of pain to our heart — an immediate painful physical reaction or pressure we can’t hold for too long — our distrust comes with a feeling, we don't want to feel (anymore), simply because it hurts. Our mind and body are connected. Our body, each cell, tells us to stop doing it. If we want or not — we stop doing it. That is the power of trust. Growing in trust, we stop doing things that harm us — enmity, spitefulness, aversion, ill will, hate. Healing is healing.

Of course, the healing-hypothesis and the trust-power assumptions need empirical evidence. Where in the world can we see collective learning processes that support my hypothesis — support what we do in our classroom? Our pandemic, for example, is pointing towards our most vulnerable inner places — our breath and our heartbeat. It's forcing us to take care of the places most vulnerable in us. And in our society. It's too strong, we can’t ignore. We need to give in by overcoming distrust and hostility, being driven by solidarity (towards our own heart and the hearts and breath of our neighbors). Our neighborhood. She is the teacher. Mother Earth teaches us to learn together, to be aware, to listen, to be peaceful and to heal our soul. And we do it together. Today.

What did you learn in your classroom — is there something you want to share?

We change rooms, music class. Think of an orchestra. A very stubborn orchestra. Terrible sound. We hate to listen and we want to do our thing — loud if possible. Why should we care who is sitting next to us — who is eve sitting there? Why should I care! What instrument are they even playing — why should we care? We want to be heard in this global orchestra. Our conductor needs to be very patient. We are stubborn, She is patient. She is setting the rhythm until we will have learned to listen to each other. She knows we can do it, it's in us — listening, caring, being aware. It's painful to listen to each other's truth. By listening, we learn together.

How do you perceive trust?

We will never be left alone. Our ideas will be heard and shared by friends and people. Our Mother, our Father is supporting us, too. We really do it together. We are all connected as human being. We are life and we are healing, light and love. It's not just an old song. This is what we are. One. One classroom. It's the perfect place and time today to grow by sharing trust. For a world in peace we show our trust and we make it become real. Growing in trust so it becomes louder, a symphony, a song we sing together. Louder? How can trust be loud? We can listen to our own rhythm, and we will hear all of us. Trust in who we are. Trust is beautiful.

Silence at Holy Places

Covid-19 has been characterized by absent places — they where still there but we weren’t: streets, schools, staircases, conference rooms, and holy sites. Places became silent. Maybe the Holy Spirit wanted to walk at these places on its own, silently. Place became space. What did we feel? What do we feel in absence of places and routines? Did silence guide us to our heart, to the holy places in us, our core? Of course it is powerful and also beautiful to go to holy sites, at the same time, we can find divine light everywhere and always in us. Peace is already in us, always has been. A calm and soft storm, holding us where we are, disrupting our rhythms. Reconnecting us to places of love deep in us.

Are we listening to our heart? Listening to all what is: places of sorrow and fear, sites of hope and desire, halls of love, streets of endless loneliness, wide oceans of rolling energy, transforming the world — all in us. Visiting places that can heal our heart and heal time. Witnessing moments that are pure forgiving. Silence. Silence is the absence of noise — it doesn’t mean to be an empty place. We meet, with silence. Growing in awareness, passing ignorance (what? me?). We’ve got a lifetime to take care of this place. A place you know with your heart, a place you feel with your breath. It’s in us. Actually, that’s a huge source of hope.

What holds hope for you?

What comes next? Our days remind me of Moses who goes to Pharaoh asking “let my people go!" ? God knows that Pharaoh can't say yes, even narrows his heart. And God is violent, too. Finally Moses and his people leave, walking for decades, bringing the Thora and the commandments to us. God guides Moses and Moses and his brother Aaron guide their people. Today, no prophet goes to a Pharaoh. Mother Earth and God Father are taking care of the situation themselves. Their goal is not narrowing our heart but softening it. We learn solidarity. It’s not a question whether we want to or not. We have to. Opening our heart is painful. It hurts to enter our holy inner places of forgiving. Peace is painful. Healing time, too.

What are you doing to learn the next step?

Giving up our enemies is not nice. It sucks. At least in the beginning. We are friends now — it is not even a choice. We have knowledge, we have our holy books, we have constitutions, human rights and we have the ability to develop useful technologies: we have everything to become peaceful societies. Let’s live our ideas. Let’s bring it together. Implement it. What are we waiting for?

Peace is Teamwork

Doing world peace is possible; not spoken out as wish for the far future anymore. Today. Now. Us. We all sit at the same table, sharing trust and unity. What are we waiting for? For “the other” to do it, “the other” we can’t trust for millions of reasons, carved in our historical memory over time? This won’t work. We are the best people to do it, there is no “the other”, it’s us! Take a second and look around you. Maybe someone else has also slowed down for a second and is looking. Do you see each other? So we should do it. Why wait? There is no war looming around the next leap of time, unless we want that war. It is us. Will we learn?

A pandemic can be seen as a time to learn quickly. Where have our weapons been to fight real threat in the last months? Silent. He have invested billions over billions into security and here comes a virus and stops the world, clears the sky. Silent. Silences holy places. Silent. Empties our schedules. Stops competition. Silent. Without one bullet. What a power. The winner is … Mother Nature: kindness, caring and solidarity. Without our schedule did we even forget for a moment that we have enemies?

We’ve got time to learn. How many more global crises do we need to learn? We are beautiful, smart, eager to learn and we have a wonderful heart, we are light and love, deeply grounded in justice and forgiving, and sharing. We should make best use of it. Use it. For most of us, there is no desert we need to walk through for the next four decades. God is walking already with us. Doing peace is possible. Our heart is guiding us. We have arrived, we are here on our planet, we can do peace. Trusting each other — regardless of where the fences of space and time have put us. As one united world. Sounds kinda scary to me.

How do you feel imagining a united world?

How should we deal with today’s weapons? In our mind, in our hand. We abuse our mind and our time on earth by asking whom to hate, to distrust and whom to not like? Defined, placed, explained, named. No further questions. Our enemy. Too easy; this can’t be our future. Today in our classroom, we sit together and reach beyond. How can I learn to trust my mind without creating “the other”? And how can I learn to trust your mind as well? How can we trust each other? How? We become vulnerable. We give in to time. Giving up power is difficult. And do we really want to continue to defend our power with weapons — that is too easy, it can’t be our future. Our teacher asks us for more. “Thou shall not kill”, Moses once learned, and it seems it took us way too many years to understand this commandment. We still don't get it.

Our world is our home, how much more rounds of homeschooling do we actually need? Why learning? We did our homework. Really? We still kill, and we even produce and sell weapons to support killing with weapons. Home made weapons, made by us. In our classrooms. We allow and support that behavior. Taught over centuries. Socially accepted. Normal. Do we want that? Where is our dignity? Weapon exports are approved and wanted in our parliaments. Our democracies still need to learn. We should understand that our mind could be a weapon that creates enemies, we refuse to see the human being; and that our societies create weapons, that invite to kill human beings. Becoming targets, objects, numbers. We should become aware and remind us to be aware. Let's work together by laying down our guns and warheads. They even have all that numbers to remember — shiny numbers, numbers to kill: G 8, G 36, B 61-12. Weapons are not numbers, humans are not numbers, our mind is not a number. There is a lot to dust out in our classroom. Wipe the board. Who wants to start? Textbooks inside us need to be rewritten. Study war no more. We know it, we are aware. Not easy, but we can do it. Together, united, global teamwork.

Nonviolent: writing our new textbook

How to summarize my thoughts? It's just a drop in the water of time. There is more to learn:

  • Together: We walk together on the path of peace. We learn from each other and we listen to each other's needs.

  • Understanding: We open our heart, we practice forgiveness to us and to people around us — even to those we do not know.

  • Trusting: We trust our inner compass — the sound of our heart. As community we practice trust, together we grow. We are not alone.

  • Silence: Silence is guiding us to places of healing within our heart. We discover them together. It's a powerful and emotional experience. The present moment never lies.

  • Listen: Hostility makes no sense. Weapons, symbols of power and suffering we cannot accept anymore in our country. We listen wisely to the song of our time — we sit in an orchestra.

  • Non-violence: Our tuning fork, our dancing floor, a conductor's baton to world peace. Can we dance and sing to the song in our heart together? The song of our time, it's already in us.

Best wishes from Berlin, peace in our hearts, peace in our world, Salam, Shalom



Why me?

There is nothing I can do. Nothing I can see. Still, this is me. What happens if I look at you? Do I? How much of what I do is judging, and how much of my view is true?

Am I looking for answers with you or is my view already my answer? Am I truly asking: who are you? Do my eyes talk to your heart and say hello?

How to sing together and to share our garden? Jericho 2015

How to sing together and to share our garden? Jericho 2015

NEWS OF THE MONTH — signals of trust and unity

  1. Sudan signs landmark peace deal with rebel alliance: Sudan's transitional government has signed a long-awaited peace agreement with a coalition of armed groups. The deal raises hopes of an end to decades long civil wars — but not all rebel groups are on board. (31.8.2020)

  2. Afghan negotiating team sent to Doha as more Taliban released: The Afghan government said Wednesday it sent a small technical team to Doha, Qatar, to prepare logistics for starting long-delayed peace talks with the Taliban. Although a date for talks has not been set, a negotiating team will follow on Thursday, according to Afghanistan's National Reconciliation Council, the body responsible for managing the peace process. (2.9.2020)

  3. Israel-UAE flight takes off in major step for historic pact. The first-ever direct commercial passenger flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates has taken off, marking a "historic" step in a recent pact to establish ties between the two countries. The Israeli delegation was led by Meir Ben-Shabbat, Israeli's national security adviser. "This morning, the traditional greeting of 'go in peace' takes on a special significance for us," said Ben-Shabbat. (31.8.2020)

  4. Extending the New START nuclear pact will help stabilize US-Russia relations: Last month, U.S. and Russian national security officials met in Vienna for follow-up discussions on nuclear doctrine, transparency and verification. Moscow describes previous talks in July as “professional“, a word you don’t usually hear expressed by the Kremlin. With a COVID-19 pandemic affecting the lives of tens of millions of people worldwide and the global economy suffering its most serious shock in over a decade, the last thing the world needs is a new arms race between two powers that already possess over 90 percent of the global nuclear stockpile. (4.9.2020)

The new normal. First ever commercial flight between Israel and UAE — passing by Riad, Saudi Arabia.

The new normal. First ever commercial flight between Israel and UAE — passing by Riad, Saudi Arabia.

Zum Frieden 2020 (01)


Wann ist Weltfrieden? In 3 Monaten und 9 Jahren. Warum wir? Warum nicht die anderen? Welche anderen? Mich bewegt mit Sorge, dass wir der Generation unserer Kinder gerade sehr viele Probleme aufhalsen. Wir wissen es. Probleme wie Klimawandel, Krieg, Feindschaft und Rüstungswettlauf, gerechte Gesellschaftsordnung und Ressourcenverteilung - nicht unlösbar, wohl schwierig. Wir möchten sie nicht lösen. Das ist unverantwortlich. Unverantwortlich, da wir die Probleme benennen können und wir diese durch gemeinschaftliches Handeln lösen können. Allein, wir tun uns schwer mit dem Willen und dem Vertrauen in unser aller Handeln. Statt den Grund bei uns zu suchen, schieben wir die Verantwortung hinweg. Aus Unfähigkeit, praktische Lösungen zu finden, übertragen wir diese lieber unseren Kindern. Das stört mich. Das können wir ändern. Gemeinsam. Mit Mut und dem Willen zum universellen Frieden. Beginnen wir in unseren Herzen.

Mir ist gerade auch etwas kalt, und das obwohl uns Mutter Natur gerade mit einer Pandemie und dem globalen Klimawandel gehörig in den Schwitzkasten nimmt. Es brennt von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok — Waldbrände in West in Ost und dazwischen Flammen immer wieder Konflikte — bewaffnete Brandherde — auf. Wer trocknet unsere Böden des Austausches aus? Wer ist mehr lodernder Blitz als sättigender, sanfter Regen für friedliche Beziehungen? Wer übernimmt die Verantwortung, wenn’s brennt? Mir ist kalt. Die Kälte mahnt, nicht sarkastisch zu werden. Ich denke, wir bekommen gerade Zeit, ohne dass es in unseren Terminkalendern stand. So können wir sehen, was uns wirklich wichtig ist. Ist Feindschaft, und dementsprechend militärische Aufrüstung, wirklich wichtig? Ist Abschreckung mit nuklearen Waffen, die von anderen Waffensystem, wie Boeing F-18 oder Eurofightern (garantiert nicht CO2 neutral, garantiert nicht sättigender Regen) von Deutschen Pilot:innen abgeworfen werden sollen. Versprechen Atomwaffen wirklich noch zeitgemäße Sicherheit? Mir nicht. Wir können unser Schicksal in die Hand nehmen. Nur wie? Dominikus, Du bist uns das ”wie” noch schuldig. ”Wie” die Hausaufgabe lösen? Natürlich im Homeschooling und Social Distancing, gut durchlüften, aha — mutig sein. Öffnen wir das Schulbuch des Friedens.

Mutter Natur, die Lehrmeisterin

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

bei Hausaufgaben setzen wir uns hin, lernen, nennen Ergebnisse, bekommen eine Note. Ganz einfach. Die Lehrmeisterin ist Mutter Natur, sie ist streng. Sie diktiert den Stundenplan mit Güte und Bestimmtheit. Sie gibt uns Zeit zu lernen. Sie ist streng und sie ist deutlich. Dieses Jahr bekommen wir viel Zeit. Zeit für knifflige Aufgaben. Sie ist die einzige wirkliche Macht hier im Raum. Sie ist Zeit. Da hilft keine Waffe, außer Vernunft und Vertrauen in unseren Geist, unseren Willen und unser Herz. Vertrauen in die Menschen, die um uns sind und auf dieser Welt leben. Wir sind eine gemeinsame Menschheit. Wir bekommen gerade Zeit, dies zu kapieren. Direkt in unseren Schädel reingehämmert. Wir sind eine Menschheit. Wir zeigen auf uns, wenn wir auf andere zeigen. Wir sprechen zu uns, wenn wir zu anderen sprechen. Die Benotung erfolgt prompt. Mutter Natur ist nicht nur streng, sie ist gerecht und fleißig. Die Themenliste ist lang.

Wir sind gerade im Schwitzkasten richtig großer Probleme. Die kommen nicht mit einem Knall oder einem großen Heulen. Sie sind schleichend, unsichtbar und wirken eben dadurch sehr bedrohlich. Wir können sie gar nicht richtig wahrnehmen, uns nicht mit Gewalt wehren. Klimawandel und Pandemie fühlen sich daher bedrohlich an und wecken tiefe Ängste in uns. Wir sind hilflos. Wo waren alle die Waffen, in die wir in den letzten Jahren so viele Milliarden — Billionen gesteckt haben? Standen rum und blieben stumm. 3 x täglich geputzt und gewartet — der Ernstfall könnte ja jeder Zeit kommen. Stumm. Sind die Waffen wirklich noch nützlich in unserem Klassenzimmer oder nehmen sie nur Platz weg — Platz für kreative Projekte, die uns zu Lösungen verhelfen? Ja wohin denn mit all den Waffensystemen? Welche geistige Haltung ist das vor allem, wenn Waffen Probleme lösen können und sollen? Die Waffensysteme würde ich gerne kennenlernen. Klimawandel, Pandemie, globale Ungerechtigkeit. Die Große Mutter, die Lehrmeisterin, wird streng. Zeit zum Umdenken. Solidarität ist das neue Wort, nicht Macht und Dominanz. In dem Spiel gibt es keine Gewinnerin oder Verlier. Wir gehen diesen Weg gemeinsam und wir kommen gemeinsam an. Wir lernen gemeinsam. Wir finden die Antworten gemeinsam. Ein “wie” ist gemeinsam. Es gibt hier kein Nullsummenspiel, bei dem die Gewinne auf der einen Seite durch die Verluste anderer getragen werden. Diese Logik funktioniert nicht mehr. Nur das funktioniert langfristig, was allen Nutzen bringt — sonst keine Einigkeit. Ohne Einigkeit kommen wir im Buch nicht weiter. Wir kommen nur gemeinsam weiter.

Wo hast Du in der letzten Zeit Gemeinsamkeit entdeckt?

Mutter Natur heilt sich

Mutter Natur heilt sich gerade. Mir kommt es so vor. Okay, eine Hilfshypothese. Da wir auch Teil von Mutter Natur sind, miteinander verbunden, heilen wir mit ihr. Und noch ein paar Annahmen hinterher: Heilung bedeutet für uns Menschen, unser Vertrauen wachsen zu lassen, in unserem Herzen weich zu werden und sich mit diesem wachsenden Vertrauen zu begegnen. Wir streben nach Vertrauen, nach dem Licht, das in der Liebe und dem Vertrauen ist. Aus dem Vertrauen wiederum ziehen wir die Kraft, die uns wachsen lässt. Wir streben zum Licht in unseren Herzen und wecken dieses durch unser Vertrauen. Ein Kreislauf, den wir einmal begonnen nicht aufhalten können. Friede kommt. Weil wir vertrauen. Licht folgt Licht. Eine Unterbrechung dieses Kreislaufes, nicht im Vertrauen zu sein, jegliche Anfeindung, tut dann einfach weh. Wir möchten nicht mehr verletzen. Heilung ist Heilung.

Wo begegnet Dir Vertrauen?

Mit der Pandemie haben wir ein Lehrstück bekommen. Die Pandemie geht in unsere Atmung, geht zu unserem Herzen. Das geht direkt zum Zentrum unseres Lebens. Das Virus geht direkt an den Ort, an dem wir sehr verletzlich sind. Es hat die Kraft, diesen Ort zu zerstören. Wir müssen lernen, aufeinander zu achten. Da ist etwas stärker als wir. Am besten gelingt uns dieses Lehrstück, wenn wir Feindschaft und Misstrauen heute überwinden. Leichter gesagt als getan. Und der Grad der Gemeinsamkeit, den wir heute schon erleben, tut uns schon schwer, stört uns, weckt Misstrauen. Es ist noch nicht genug. Unsere Probleme können wir Menschen nur gemeinsam meistern. Lernen. Verstehen. Vertrauen. Bitte machen wir Frieden.

An was denkst Du, wenn Du an Heilung denkst?

Ja wir Menschen sind vor allem auch stur, ungeduldig und kämpferisch. Und jetzt kommt die Pandemie mit Zeit und Geduld — reichlich Zeit und Geduld. Das ist eigentlich nicht fair. Schnell geht hier einfach mal nix. Sie diktiert uns den Rhythmus, sie bezwingt unseren Geist und wenn sie möchte auch unseren Körper. Sie hat mehr Geduld als wir, daher werden wir einsichtig werden. Warum?

Warum? Die Krise öffnet unser Herz, wir werden weich. Unsere offenen Herzen sind die Quelle für Vergebung — Vergebung ist die Überholspur für Heilung und Frieden. Frieden und Vergebung sind immer schon in uns — jetzt haben wir Zeit diesen schmerzhaften und z.T. schönen Weg zu gehen. Wir werden gezwungen, diesen Weg zu gehen. Mutter Natur weiß den Weg. Und wir werden folgen. Ein “wie” ist Einsicht.

Warum? Auf diesem Weg sind wir nicht alleine. Jede gute Idee in unserem Geist, wird von anderen guten Ideen in Menschen um uns herum wahrgenommen. Mache Deine Worte und Ideen sichtbar, wir brauchen sie für Austausch und Inspiration. Auch diese Worte hier sind nur ein Schritt auf dem Weg zum Frieden. Ein gewollter Versuch. Trauen wir uns gemeinsam.

Warum? Und wir sind niemals alleine. Wir sind alle aufgehoben bei unsere Mutter und unserem Vater. Wir sind Leben und wir sind Gesundheit, wir sind Licht und wir sind Liebe. Wir alle gemeinsam — da gibt es keine Ausnahme. Unser Geist wird klarer, unser Denken ehrlich. Der perfekte Nährboden für Vertrauen. Vertrauen, die Grundlage für Frieden. Frieden unser Weg. Oder? Geht eh nur gemeinsam. Ein “wie” ist Vertrauen.

Stille an den Heiligen Orten

Ich denke, da ist auch noch eine andere Kraft, die gerade ihre Kreise zieht. Die Heiligen Orte der Welt sind und waren während dem Lockdown ohne den Stimmen und Wünschen der Menschen — Pessach, Ostern, Ramadan, Hatsch. Stille. Vielleicht sehnt sich das göttliche Licht gerade nach dieser Stille. Vielleicht möchte es ungestört an diesen Orten sein. Mit Stille sehen wir in unser Herz. Diese Kraft ist immer bei uns und mit uns. Sie spannt ein Zelt des Friedens in unserem Herzen — sehen das Licht, spüren den Wind. Wie ein sanfter Sturm, der uns an unserem Ort festhält und uns aus unseren gewohnten Rhythmen schuppst.

Die göttliche Kraft (oder wie auch immer wir es nennen möchten) spricht mit uns in der Stille. Sie ist die Hüterin der Zeit und sie hat die Zeit still gemacht — zumindest für einige Momente. Werden wir Stille, werden wir leise und folgen wir dem Gesang, dem Klang in unserem Herzen. Vorbei an den Tälern der Trauern, den Bergen der Hoffnung, dem Licht der Liebe, den Ebenen der Einsamkeit und den Stürmen der kraftvollsten Ozeane — all diese Orte sind in uns. Vorbei daran und zu den heilenden Orten in unserem Herzen. Dort finden, besser, dort sind wir Vergebung. Dort steht die Zeit auch mal kurz still, dort ist alles verbunden. Ohne Gewalt. Und dann gehen wir weiter, als vergebende und als heilende Kraft. Nutzen wir unsere Lebenszeit, bauen wir das Zelt des Friedens. Ein “wie” ist Stille.

Was spürst Du in der Stille — und warum?

Irgendwie erinnert mich die Pandemie an den Auszug aus Ägypten. Moses rennt zum Pharao und sagt: “let my people go!" Gott weiß, dass der Pharao nicht ja sagen kann — verengt sogar dessen Herz. Moses zieht dann nach vielen Plagen und Jahren los, um dann weitere vier Jahrzehnte durch eine Wüste zu wandern, am Ende mit der Thora in der Hand und zehn Geboten. Im Moment rennt hier kein Prophet mehr zu einem Pharao und spricht Warnungen aus — Mutter Natur und Gott Vater nehmen die Dinge selbst in die Hand. Zu Viele wurden schon losgeschickt. Auch hat Gott die Strategie geändert, Ziel ist nicht mehr Herzen zu verengen, sondern diese zu erweitern — ist auch schmerzhaft. Vergebung ist ein schmerzhafter Prozess. Frieden tut weh. Vielleicht schaffen wir's. Die Heiligen Bücher haben wir, universelle Grundrechte und Verfassungen, die Vernunft haben wir. Wunderbare Technologie haben wir. Was möchten wir denn noch? Lernen wir endlich. Gottes Wunsch ist Weltfrieden. Warum folgen wir dieser Stimme so widerspenstig? Irgendetwas stört uns daran. Nur was?

Was stört Dich am Weltfrieden?

Was stört uns an universellem Frieden, wenn es doch aus der Tiefe unserer Seele zu kommen scheint? Probieren wir es. Bauen wir uns das Zelt des Friedens, klug, gewaltfrei — dann hält’s. Beten wir es nicht an, tun wir es. Bessere Menschen hierfür gibt es nicht. Wir sind es, und wir haben alles was wir dafür benötigen. Vor allem haben wir unsere wunderschöne Sprache. Wir bekommen Zeit, diesen unseren tiefen Wunsch umzusetzen. Wir sind klug, wir sind schön; wir haben ein wunderbares Herz, wir sind Licht und Liebe — wir vergeben und verzeihen. Nutzen wir all diese Gaben. Da ist keine Wüste, durch die wir Jahrzehnte lang mehr ziehen müssen. Kommen wir an einem gemeinsamen Ort an — es gibt nur diese Welt. Machen wir Frieden. Wir können das, vertrauen wir.

Ich erlaube mir hier einen Österlichen Sprung zurück als es still wurde: Es gilt, Ungerechtes gerecht zu machen, Leid in Tugend zu münzen und Auferstehung zu leben. Erlösung beharrlich zu erarbeiten, das fällt nicht vom Himmel. Und das fällt uns schwer. Mit den Nägeln, mit den wir uns Feindbilder vor's Hirn nageln, nageln wir Jesus jedes Jahr wieder ans Kreuz. So geht das nicht. Jesus kam auf die Erde, um Frieden zu schaffen; und gut 2000 Jahre später sinnieren wir — mit Milliardenbeträgen gefördert, Waffen sind nicht billig — immer noch darüber nach, wie wir unsere Feinde best möglichst zerstören können. Für den Frieden. Das sind richtige dicke Nägel mit denen wir den Geist des Friedens ans Kreuz nageln, statt ihm Freiheit zu geben. Frieden ja, nur nicht mit uns! Welche Form des Dankes ist das? Wer kann es mir erklären? Das Leid der Erde packen wir gemeinsam an. Indem wir z.B. das verbieten und unter gemeinsame Aufsicht stellen, was Leid schafft: Waffen. ”Du sollst nicht töten” hat Moses von Gott erfahren. Wir sollten auf diese Stimme (in uns) hören.

Es ist beschämend zu sehen, wie Deutschland eine Waffenschmiede der Welt ist. Die Esse glüht — und immer noch sterben Menschen durch Deutsche Waffen und Ingenieurskunst. Unsere Wehrhaftigkeit, unser Exportglück bringt Leid in der Welt. Und wir schauen zu. Von Abgeordneten zweier christlicher Parteien im Bundestag auch noch aktiv unterstützt und abgesegnet. Exportglück. Was denken wir uns eigentlich dabei? Haben wir überhaupt keinen Stolz? Ständig arbeitet die Gier/oder Angst in unserem Geist mit Feindbildern und hält an diesen beharrlich fest. Und wir bemerken gar nicht, wie wir dicke Nägel schmieden — in unserem Geist. Mein Geist und mein Herz akzeptieren keine Feindbilder mehr. Schluss damit. Schnee von gestern — und ja, damals, als es noch die Feinde gab, gab es noch Schnee unter 800 Meter. Heute, wie gesagt, Schnee von gestern. Wir trocknen innerlich aus. Es brennt von Vancouver bis Wladiwostok, nicht nur weil unsere Wälder austrocknen, sanfter Regen fehlt. Vielleicht benötigen wir noch etwas Geduld. NOCH etwas mehr Geduld. Ich hoffe, wir lernen schnell und mit großer Vernunft. Shalom. Ein “wie” — eine Zeltstange — ist Vernunft.

Hausaufgaben — Auswertung

Fragen wir Mutter Natur. Die Antwort meiner Hausaufgaben lautet:

  • Gemeinsam: Frieden schaffen wir gemeinsam, indem wir alle den Weg gehen, voneinander lernen, und uns zuhören.

  • Einsicht: Wir öffnen unser Herz, vergeben uns und anderen, wir fördern den Frieden in uns.

  • Vertrauen: Wir vertrauen der Stimme in unserem Herzen. Wir als Gemeinschaft sind Liebe. Gemeinsam wachsen wir. Wir sind niemals alleine.

  • Stille: Sie leitet uns zu den Orten der Heilung in unserem Herzen. Still finden wir in unseren Emotionen, in dem wir annehmen, wie der Moment gerade ist.

  • Vernunft: Feindschaft macht keinen Sinn. Waffe, Symbole und Ursache von Stärke und Leid, dulden wir nicht mehr in unserem Land.

  • Gewaltlosigkeit: Ein Fleißpunkt : ) der Taktstock, die Notenkiste, die Stimmgabel, die Bretter des Tanzbodens für den Weltfrieden. Mutter Natur und Gott tanzen gern. Können wir's noch: nach der Stimme unseres Herzens singen und tanzen? Das Lied unserer Zeit — ist schon in uns.

Was wird Ihre — nicht Deine — Antwort sein?

Viele Grüsse, Licht und Liebe und Frieden in unseren Herzen, Salam, Shalom



Die anderen:

Was wenn mein Blick eigentlich gar kein Blick ist, sondern ein Blick auf andere? Sehe ich Dich als Menschen oder als ein Ding, das eine Bewertung, vielleicht auch zwei, erhält?

Wie blicke ich Dich an? Wenn alles was ich tue Antwort ist, frage ich dann noch? Frage ich dann eigentlich, wer bist Du? Sage ich mit meinen Augen Deinem Herzen Hallo?


NEWS OF THE MONTH — signals of trust and unity

  1. Sudan signs landmark peace deal with rebel alliance: Sudan's transitional government has signed a long-awaited peace agreement with a coalition of armed groups. The deal raises hopes of an end to decades long civil wars — but not all rebel groups are on board. (31.8.2020)

  2. Afghan negotiating team sent to Doha as more Taliban released: The Afghan government said Wednesday it sent a small technical team to Doha, Qatar, to prepare logistics for starting long-delayed peace talks with the Taliban. Although a date for talks has not been set, a negotiating team will follow on Thursday, according to Afghanistan's National Reconciliation Council, the body responsible for managing the peace process. (2.9.2020)

  3. Israel-UAE flight takes off in major step for historic pact. The first-ever direct commercial passenger flight from Israel to the United Arab Emirates has taken off, marking a "historic" step in a recent pact to establish ties between the two countries. The Israeli delegation was led by Meir Ben-Shabbat, Israeli's national security adviser. "This morning, the traditional greeting of 'go in peace' takes on a special significance for us," said Ben-Shabbat. (31.8.2020)

  4. Extending the New START nuclear pact will help stabilize US-Russia relations: Last month, U.S. and Russian national security officials met in Vienna for follow-up discussions on nuclear doctrine, transparency and verification. Moscow describes previous talks in July as “professional“, a word you don’t usually hear expressed by the Kremlin. With a COVID-19 pandemic affecting the lives of tens of millions of people worldwide and the global economy suffering its most serious shock in over a decade, the last thing the world needs is a new arms race between two powers that already possess over 90 percent of the global nuclear stockpile. (4.9.2020)

The new normal. First commercial flight from Israel to the UAE. Shalom Alaikum. Alaikum Shalom.

The new normal. First commercial flight from Israel to the UAE. Shalom Alaikum. Alaikum Shalom.

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