Presentation by Prof. Schellhuber, Berlin 2022

Pilot Forum: Odyssey for climate - tree race not arms race (“Aufforsten statt Aufrüsten”)

Exchange with stake holders and civil society to foster afforestation efforts in Europe, Middle East and Africa (Mediterranean nations).

Gate of Jerusalem

Pilot Forum: Abrahamic house. Opening our hearts and all Gates of Jerusalem

Connecting souls and hearts to meet in the Golden City under the tent of peace - peace in Jerusalem, peace in the world.

Pilot Forum: Global Uranium Union (GU)

Following indigenous wisdom and diplomatic leadership across our continents to build a union among nations, that governs all global uranium and plutonium effectively and sovereignly. Jean Monnet build the Union of Coal and Steal in Europe - uniting the sources for two world wars - to create the space for peace. We build a union to govern the element that is the biggest threat for humanity and the reason for war across the world, today. This is our path. Walk with us!

MoMa New York

This can be your pilot forum

If you have ideas of what to do. Please contact us.

MoMa New York

This can be your pilot forum

If you have ideas of what to do. Please contact us.