21st century: one 'honest' world
The world is listening to you.
Jerusalem, Israel, 2015.
What we see today are still massive wars in the Middle East and Africa as well as a strong rhetoric of war and enmity in Europe and around the world in the political arena as well as in medias. Nevertheless, I believe that the first half of the 21st century has the potential of being decades of reconciliation and forgiveness. We are not dreamwalking into a war, as European nations did in the first half of the 20th century. History taught us to listen. At the same time, it is hard for us to stop the idea of war. War still exists in our hearts, words and on the landscape of our earth. It doesn't matter what kind of war we observe. People are dying and people suffer from it. The pain of war we all feel around the world.
Have we already started to think also in dimensions beyond national states? In the scope of continents and unions of national states; defining a world society and its decision making institutions?
Geneva, Switzerland, 2018.
In a world of nations, unions and communities, the idea of an enemy doesn't work anymore. It is empty language, words without ground. A call to the past and its countless dreams. Today, any war we fight is civil war against our own shared soul. A fight against the truth of one humanity. Do we really want to add more pain and suffering to our soul? National and regional identity can be beautiful, yet national boarders do not protect us from the pain we feel, when people are dying on the other side of that boarder. Love is universal.
Pain will make us humble. Love opens our hearts.
Mutual growing
Reconciliation is a process that allows all social groups to grow and to be seen. Words of forgiveness, the power to ask for forgiveness, is a sign of inner health, trust, and believe. Bringing the right of humanity to us. How can we receive the strength to create friendship and to become one united human nation if we don't show efforts to reconcile with words and thoughts?
Who is listening?
The world is listening to you.
Geneva, Switzerland, 2018.
Maybe we can also avoid too many words if we focus on words of forgiveness. Asking someone to the table, by saying: my friend, we want to find new ground. Please, forgive for the reasons why we meet. I honor your life, your honesty, your truth, your home and your wisdom.
By sharing this words we are dreamwalking into a new reality.
Step by step, by taking out the hate in our words we, as human beings, are able to create one honest world.
The clean up of a century of war is still waiting for us. We will do it together.