If not now then when?


We can empower each other by giving up the “how” question! How are we going to do it? How would you do it? It’s my wish, my heart. We give up to know answers and the path to get somewhere or to have a solution for a problem. Why?


Arrrrgggghhhh. Another question with no answer. We are opening us to life. Sorry, we cannot provide a how and a why. This is not a songline. What!?


Yes - the answer to all our questions is now - or in the now. It’s in us. That is my now - my vibration. Now has all information we need to know. This moment has all the information we need to know to do our next step to grow. We get touched by the now. In us. I am moved. Happy to share that, words without knowing.

Have you ever asked a rock, a tree, a cloud, a sunbeam “How are you doing this?” “Why are you doing it?”What are you doing?” We observe our relative’s behavior. Imagine the amount of social control that all our questions hold. A cloud would not be able to share shade and water with us, knowing the answers. A rock would not be able to hold, looking for answers.

I want to know. I don’t want to know.


All your answers are in the now. Our Mother gives us everything every moment. We are here to support your spiritual, your physical, your emotional growth and healing. Our purpose here on earth is to grow and to support each other growing. Our purpose is not to know our growing or worse - to control our growing. This is a terrible now.

Now is your moment, our connection and our time.

Your moment - our now - is a shared room of enlightenment. We are enlightened beings - as is the whole universe and each cell of life and energy on Mother Earth.

right - left - behind - in front of us

Look behind, to the left, to the right, see whats in front of you - hear, listen, feel, breath this one moment around you - around us. That is your gift - your enlightenment. Your now, your blessing, and our world.

now is when

Together and connected. Your moment is you. You are now. We are now.

Now is the most protected place in the universe. Your home. Our home and our now.


The World needs us now! Die Erde braucht uns Jetzt!


US Open - No Champion