Getting our shit together

Berlin (Marathon), September 2023

Getting our shit together — finding our superpower, together

I was asked: what could be the subtitle of the World Peace Conference “Walking in Beauty”?

My gut feeling says: “getting our shit together”.

Technically it’s: “restoring harmony, balancing power”.

Spiritually, in God’s words, it could be: “Come together, right now! (before I get really angry)”

Spiritually, in Mother Earth words, it could be: “It’s time. Stop bothering me anymore, it’s boring. Would you please stop your game — dinner is ready and we should have a nice feast together.”

My girlfriend says: “experiencing the freequency of oneness

My marketing manager says:

  • “Who is your target group? You need to speak to them.”

  • “Who are you serving?”

  • “What problem are you talking to?”

  • “What is your message?”

So to answer these questions really quickly. I hate marketing — I much rather prefer dancing with spirits!!

  • Target group: us, we. Everybody who feels connected to the wish for peace in the world. It’s inclusive and beyond power.

  • Who serving: us and the seventh generation: Creating peace that will empower the next generations to decide to keep it (or not) at least for the next 350 years on earth (and the universe).

  • Problem to talk to: us, our lack of freedom and security; our lack of imagination and limiting believes about innovation and healing. We are not free and we are not safe!

  • Message: “us: we are the power [revolution] of love and light” We are a flame of thousand candles, we are a beat of thousands hearts.

Let’s clean up our shit together! Then we eat, dance, sing and have fun.

A world that is free and in harmony — is even more fun to mess up again (dear present and future Dictators and Totalitarians of our world). Let’s get our shit together, then we can mess it up again with even more fun. If we want to?! Then it’s our choice. But first we clean up the mess of thousands of years. Together. Because at the moment, it’s your choice to mess up the world — and that sucks — actually, we are very much disgusted by that.

So: us. Come together, right now to experience the freequency of oneness, to find the courage to get our shit together to feel free and safe before dinner is ready and we can relax, eat and dance, together. Our choice! Our gift to us and the seventh generation.

Is this too long for a subtitle? For our World Peace Conference “Walking in Beauty” — getting our shit together / our gift to us and the seventh generation.

Happy Birthday World Peace Conference on 21.9.2024, Moos Space, Moosdorfstr. 7-9, Berlin Treptow.

Finding our superpower - together, Münster, 2023




It's not only on us to decide