
Creation starts with a bang. Creation asks for chaos, asks for constant change. Asks for the being in the moment and the moment, that doesn’t care. Moments that destroy and get lost in the moment. Moments that hurt and moments that are heavy and filled with nothing. Feeling lost and feeling not there. Entering chaos is such a pain. It is such a moment of disconnected energies. Energies that seem to move apart in light speed disconnecting being. Destroying what is. BANG.

BANG. While time stops and time is not. While we dissolve.

Tel Aviv, April 2023

And it continues: BANG. One more moment of chaos. And another BANG. More destruction and chaos. BANG, screaming and more pain. BANG fear and a cold moment that moves under the skin. BANG. BANG. BANG. You look around and you see chaos and destruction. BANG. fear. pain. dead. hope that runs on a horse and vanishes into the clouds. Leaving chaos behind. BANG. It feels like a war zone.


It is a war zone. You wake up in a war zone. You are part of it. BANG.

We are at war. Leaders who start a war are damaging our chaos. Putting their destruction above everything. We cannot enter into our chaos of creation.

My dear leader: please would you be so kind and stop your war. You are an asshole: you destroy our creative chaos. You destroy our creation. So please stop.

Tel Aviv, April 2023

Once upon a time there was someone called Moses: he went to Pharaoh and said: “let my people go” or something like that. What he said is not so important, since he only listened to God who basically said. “Hey it’s time for your guys to leave Pharaoh”. Leave the strongest force. To leave the strongest force Moses and his people got a few God like support powers.

Today there are at least 9 Pharaohs. 9 nuclear super powers. And they don’t let us go. That’s why God is telling Moses to walk up to the Pharaohs and tell them “let us come together and make peace.” We don’t need your chaos. Your idea of power is fake.

And the leaders should listen, because Moses is not just doing that out of fun. It’s not that there are at least 9 Pharaohs, it’s also that there are at least thousands of Moses’s (f/m/d) in the world, who have prophetic abilities and are in direct connection to the source, higher spirits, the universe, God… name it. They speak the same message to world leaders. We give a fuck to you who try to burn our planet with their BANG.

Jerusalem, April 2023

The world community is building a space to come together: The universe, spirits, Goddess (f/m/d) is waiting there too.

One place to create peace / chaos / BANG is on September 21st, 2024 for the World Peace Conference in Berlin.

But as we know. Leaders have parsley in their ears - they need to see World Peace on Planet B first to trust, that we can do that on Planet A. Oh, it’s possible, lets do it, too. No sense for creativity and no self-esteem. Leading comes from things to do that are needed right now.

As if they are afraid of world peace or afraid of the spirit that carries the message and tries to whisper in their heart: world peace. You need to stop your BANG.

Sad to see, that the guy who is in the footsteps of Moses (leading the people of Israel) is misleading his people and turned into a Pharaoh. Sad to see.

And today’s people of Israel or Palestine or Ukraine or Russia are all people of the same tribe. A tribe that cannot walk just somewhere to a new Planet B - we need to change our beautiful Planet A and make it a better place. Without the thought of a BANG. That is freedom.

Tel Aviv, April 2023

In order to start a new piece of time - you* need to stop your war. And you need to ask your other nuclear Pharaohs to come together to our World Peace Conference (21. September 2024, Berlin). This is an invitation. And it is an invitation because it is urgent (as Moses would say and he knew what he said. Maybe he a had a heavy tongue, but no parsley in his ears). The bomb is ticking. BANG.

*sorry I just got so confused who of the club of 9 I am addressing - it’s not coming to my mind. I have no idea. Just come all and we will deal with it on September 21st in Berlin, okay. Come together. Come unarmed. Here is your ticket to ride.




Walking time