I am NOT an empty bottle - lady in black, please come back.
In my dream the lady in black showed up and said: “You are a man with a vision but you have no action. You know, how I call these people - an empty bottle. You are an empty bottle.” I woke up shocked.
I wrote down: vision w/o action = empty bottle.
Yes, I am an empty bottle. I do jack shit - no action - but have a vision. An empty bottle, by definition. Thank you lady.
She came to me one morning.
Who showed up in my dream? It was love. What was our heart telling us? It was of all of us. It was love, heart who came to remind me of our goal. We do this peace of work together. It is a ton of work. Heavy as hell and heavens together. But we are not alone. Our collective heart reminds us and sends us messages - in a bottle. It finds its way to be heard. Through our interconnected nature of Mother Earth and the spirits. No matter, if we once loved each other, or will love each other in the future, or will never love each other. In the now is only love. In the moment is all the time we can imagine. Time is never an empty bottle. Time is always there and always full. Time is always action. How can I connect my mind and vision to the heart of time to be a full body, sorry, of course bottle? Be a vessel of change. Full of time. Full of love. Pour from it without regret.
What is a good and healthy bottle of time to be bottled now and stored in the basements of time?
Vision: the vessel
Connection: Forum for Peace and Sustainability
Healing: Center for Humanity and Nature
Spirit: Bring the spirit of peace into the world
Time: never (the problem)
Action: filling the bottle
Connection: Communicate and unite people in one place to sign a peace treaty
Healing: holding space for people and connect to the divine time
Spirit: breath, eat, pray, love, bless
Time: now (always now)
= the bottle: time of peace
Connection: Our society. All people on earth. Humanity. An interconnected world of people, who are of one generation that does not fight wars against each other. We build institutions and rules to pass that world without wars on to the next generation.
Healing: in our hearts: a generation that forgives each other all the pain in our hearts; for a global society: equal justice and rights for all human beings
Spirit: an enlightened generation that doesn’t need to pass on collective pain; an interconnected body
Time: now, never, interconnected: it doesn’t matter, we are.
That is a good and healthy bottle of time to be bottled now and stored in the basements of time.
Keep growing and shed your light in the world, my sisters and brothers. Tune in: