Nuke us together

The largest know structure in the Universe - called The Boss (NASA, ESA, or a clever AI??)

What came after the big bang? A race for expansion.

What came after Hiroshima? A race for expansion. Fission: the energy created by splitting matter.

What came after the race for expansion? Our race for inclusion and fusion. The energy created by including matter.

Our race to the power of light in us. Our ability to become light and shine. Our love to be inclusive and integrating.

Fission is boring. Power to separate is boring. It hurts our mind and heart. It creates anger and separation. And it is not a fun game to play in our world. It is so boring, not fun to play, it is so exclusive. It sucks. Sorry for my words.

Let the angels cry. Berlin, April 2024

We are addicted to distrust and hate - an enmity. How uninspiring. In the enemy game we look for our next to be enemy. We pull all our energy towards that thing called enemy. Well, get real enemies: God, Mother Earth, the Universe - just become real. How to become friend with God, with Mother Earth, with the universe? And how to keep that friendship over time - without hurting each other and with forgiving each other? How to stay playful with real powers?

There are people in the world who don’t know how to play the fusion game. Unfortunately they are in power. And we are forced to play not to our heartbeat. Forced to abandon our love and forget about our light.

Forget it!

We are love and we are light.

If the universe is integration, why are we a different galaxy?

BUT, it’s not that easy. In our love game, we need to become union with even the most powerful people on earth who are in charge of the fission power. That is real. Our forgiveness and inclusiveness. Or addiction to love is real. And it will bend forces. As it has softened our hearts.

Why is our game so fun to play? The love and light game in this world?

We cannot fight with spirit. It’s ridiculous. But we are invited to play with spirit. To become a union with spirit. And to be protected by spirits. That is a very inclusive game we play together.

Forget the nuke - love is our energy. Love is a wonderful force to play with - it gives back and it let us grow. As it has been given us so much - all the life on earth is made from love - or light from love? Hen egg problem, I guess. Does it matter - or should we start fighting about what was first - love or light? Love is an energy that is in our heart. And it is sacred. Sacred places are protected by the spirit.

Do we care about our world? Berlin, April 2024

We are protected.


Tuning in - moving you - moving me


Love Song