Exclusively patient

Peace as teacher

I am sitting here with you, under the tree. We are listening to your story and wait for the end of your story. 

Can we see peace as a process of immense and endless patience? Without expectations patient. From a statistical point of view peace is either biased nor unbiased -- it is a process without expectation. It is already there, in us, and it is our will to reveal it. 

Peace teaches you about time. Peace is a master of time. It comes back to us, again and again. Peace can wait and peace will knock on our door again, asking to come in. Asking to help to build a house of peace for future generations.  Are we really listening? 

Jerusalem, Israel, 2017.

Jerusalem, Israel, 2017.

Peace and friendship

Peace teaches us about friendship. When President of the United States Donald Trump cancelled in a letter his meeting with the North Korean leader, Chairman Kim Jong Un on 24. May 2018, the two Korean leaders, South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un met shortly afterwards. The way both leaders met is new. Hence, Moon concludes that we "easily got in contact, easily made an appointment and easily met to discuss urgent matters, without complicated procedures and formalities, just like a casual meeting." How is this related to friendship? People who respect each other always keep a door open to talk, are ready to meet and ready to go the short way. President Trump says in his letter to Kim Jong Un: "I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately it is only that dialogue that matters. Some day, I look very much forwards to meeting you." Some day can be today, tomorrow or in the infinite future. The energy of peace and dialogue is a master of time. 

Botanic Garden, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2018.

Botanic Garden, Geneva, Switzerland, May 2018.

Peace walks the short way

Peace can walk very slowly. It prefers to walk the short way. It is about 20 kilometers between Ramallah and Jerusalem, Google maps says it is a 45 minute drive today. No matter how many walls have been build up in our hearts and between our neighborhoods, peace walks with you and you can cross them all. In our hearts there is always a place to meet. There is always a space of freedom, esteem and dignity. 

Maybe we should stop asking to meet at a table. Is God traveling with a table? Meet me under a tree. Meet me where the light is shining. Let peace be with us, when we talk. 

I was listening to a Russian diplomat in Geneva earlier this month. His voice was of concern and he raised the question -- while looking out of the window, the view passing a park, a city, a lake, distant mountains -- why do we hesitate to talk? Nature shows us how we can do it! he was saying. 

Unbiased patient

Our shared roots. Our shared spirit. True leadership walks a direct path. Sharing the will of respect and dignity you can listen and speak. When we are walking the path of peace, peace is guiding our steps and teaches us patience and listening to the sound of our time. 



To the leaders: Come together.