To the leaders: Come together.
Words for leaders on earth.
The message is: come together and unite.
Thank you.
Be courageous as lions and be bold in your joint actions.
We the people need you, your words, your wise decisions.
Playground Jerusalem, Israel. August 2018.
Why is he talking about playgrounds — is this true?
I want to start with an example: We are willing to build playgrounds and schools for our children all over the world, but we are actually destroying their future on our planet. Unlimited use of resources is taking us to the point of serious problems for our generation and future generations at any part of the world. We know it. We know it, we deny it and we do not act. National states are not capable of coming to mutual binding agreements and are not creating effective institutions to govern the problem. Companies are following a logic of market rationality and profit, that is not matching futures needs.
Leaders of the world. We rely on your courage and wisdom. Use the power of your mind. Use words of outmost honesty to speak with the most powerful words we have on earth. Honesty is the gate to our shared truth and the source of healing. Honesty is the gate to listen to each other without the pain of the past. Honesty allows a leader to access its true will.
Practice truth. Washington D.C., USA. August 2016.
Should we really learn a new instrument — honestly?
To the leaders of our world. Please, speak with a language we are able to understand around the world. Find our sound. The sound we all can listen to, everywhere.
Use your power to unite powerful people and people in power. Be a true leader. Be a moral authority. Unite with only what is in you. Unite your power. Become one voice.
Finding sounds. Music shop in Nazareth, Israel. April 2017.
Be a leader. Be yourself. Never lie to me when I am listening to you. Please be honest to me. Speak with the same language to everyone. Say what you do and do what you say.
Be a source of mutual wisdom.
Uniting as a team — is this wise? It can’t wait?
Become a team and become one voice of wisdom.
Do you want to share your wisdom? I am listening. The world is listening to you. You are a leader.
I am talking to you as a leader of our world. Be a team of leaders. What we need is unity.
Window shopping in Vienna, Austria. May 2017.