Sing, dance and celebrate with your heart

Our love is connecting us

Feeling the interconnectedness in our world. We are one entity of human beings. Deeply connected and rooted on Earth. The feeling of love emerges. Is love our combining energy? The light between our souls and hearts? I think so. Love comes with a sound. We feel it, we might not hear it.

Our sound, our love is connecting us. Our connection is creating love. Our love is connecting us. Our connection is creating love. Now you see. Now you can see the future, too. Our love is connecting us.

Our Mother and our Father are holding us with humility and trust, holding our souls. Always have. Be our tree, our flower of life. God is sending us light every day. And we can be.

We can be a friend, a lover, we can be a voice and an ear. And we can share what we own and we can share how we want our world to be. We can share it all.

Be light, be warmth, be love

We might not trust in our steps but we can trust in the next step to come. This will be the walk of time we are all walking today. A song, a dance, a path that is connecting us around the world. The Prophets, women and men, among us. God walking between us. Our soul healing and our hearts smiling. A time-team-walk. Generations walling. A spiritual movement. Without actually knowing it, do we know what we do. Intuition is guiding our individual steps. Together we build a future in peace.

We might not yet understand what we do, it will be shown to us — the symphony of peace — will reveal its sound while we walk. Our love is connecting us. Our connection is creating love. Our path.

We all are born free. Shalom.

Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Chag Sameach.

A song, about our love and our compassionate heart: Our shared friend, our mother our father. Our spirit of truth and beauty.


||C F G C, a F G C:||

||C F G a, C F G a ||

Sei Dir ein Freund, ein gütig Herz, das spricht,

Gebe Dir Wärme, Liebe und Licht.

Teile Dein Licht, verzeih, wenn Unrecht sprach:

Suche den Frieden und jage ihm nach.

|| d d a :|| G G a :||

Schreib Dir mein Freund, meine gütige Freundin, sei Licht.

Sei mir die Güte, die ewige Liebe, die spricht.

Öffne mein Herz, sei mir die Kraft, und sei Zeit.

Sei ehrlich Ohr, hör unser Wort, das verzeiht.

Gütge Mutter, mein ewiger Gott, Euch lieben.

Euch lieben, mein Leben, in ewigen Kreisen beschrieben.

Beschrieben im Leben, dem einzigen hier auf Erden.

Wir halten die Würde der Mutter Erd ohne Ehren.

Zeig Dich uns Gott, ewige Mutter, erbarmen.

Erbarmt unser Herz, weckt sanfte Liebe zusammen.

Zusammen finden, Frieden ergründen, und handeln.

Handeln in Frieden, in Einigkeit verwandeln.

Gütiger Geist, Du Wahrheit und Schönheit, scheine.

Humorvoller Geist, Du trautes Heim meiner Gebeine.

Das alte Lied von Leben und Tod, erklinge.

Küsse uns wach, zeigt uns Dein Lächeln und singe.


The story of June 2019


Kicking off Peace Tent 2020 Berlin (8. April .2020 - 16. April 2020)