Kicking off Peace Tent 2020 Berlin (8. April .2020 - 16. April 2020)

Invitation to join the Peace Tent team

Our goal is to organize an event in Berlin (8. April 2020 - 16. April 2020) encouraging for dialogues that contribute to peace.

From today on, within one year time there will be a Peace Tent. As the tent grows we grow as a team.

  • What are the questions we will be asking ourself on that path?

  • What kind of energy do we share while keeping the vision of a Peace Tent in our hearts?

The idea can lead to different results. For example:

  • Being a platform for cultural exchange among communities of different ethical or religious backgrounds in Berlin. E.g. sharing views, music, poetry, dance; inter-religious exchange.

  • Facilitating dialogues among citizens of countries who are currently in a state of enmity. E.g. West-East Europe/Russia, Middle East, North-East-Asia, Central Africa.

  • Being creative in starting an exchange among citizens and civil society groups that can spill over to higher political levels.

A dream would be if political leaders will join us to actually sign peace agreements.

Where comes our motivation from? E.g.:

  • Feeling responsible to open social spaces for dialogue.

  • Seeing the need of civil society taking action to contribute to our goal of world peace.

  • With our bottom up efforts and creativity we can bridge political boundaries.

  • Within one year time, we can create an unexpected momentum.

Bringing the idea to life

I want to bring this idea to life to share it with you and to invite you to contribute and to joint the team.

I want to invite you to a first meeting on Monday, 22. April 2019 15:00h-18:00h. A second meeting will take place on Wednesday, 1. May 2019, 15:00h-18:00h. Join one or both of the meetings if you are interested in the idea. Both meeting will take place at my place.

  • Sharing the vision.

  • Space for ideas and questions.

  • Mapping different approaches.

  • How to manage and organize the process?

Please, feel free to contact me. You can also sign up in a doodle, if you want to attend.



Sing, dance and celebrate with your heart


Light, our hope