Own your responsibility - call it what it is
This morning, I had to be in bed a bit longer to really listen to my stomach. The stomach is where all information comes together and tunes in. The message was clear: Tunite: Tune in and unite.
Of course there was more:
You can make peace in the world.
It is your responsibility to make world peace (because you can do it).
You were borne with the ability to make world peace (God and Mother Nature is giving you all you need to do it).
All you need is to unite people and create a network that unites people. (all you need is to call people with your iPhone).
This all felt good, deep and comfortable to my stomach.
I felt it and I need to feel exactly this information in me.
Next week I will continue to tunite.
Based on past experience, tuniting comes with obstacles and pitfalls:
Calling people is high energy.
Connecting to people is more than just talking - our minds and hearts connect and a third power (“God”) joins.
When I listen, I listen to the heart and it is as if people can read my mind and heart. By listening to you, I will hear my subconscious thoughts.
Talking to people is bending time: It is like listening to the future next step - You help me to define my next steps. You give me the hint and clues for what to do next.
That is also the clue to success and world peace. We listen together. Thank you. But:
My mind has the tendency to overpower - to connect too many dots of information. That is problematic if there is not enough information in the matrix. Then I connect too much with too little information. And I make mistakes.
I feel very intusiastic: intuition and enthusiastic, and overheat my body and mind.
Tuning in into my intuition and trust in people allows me to feel magic. Basically world peace is just happening at the moment and things start to move together. My imagination becomes boundless, that is overwhelming people around me and myself, too. There is no fear. I become focussed like Walter Röhrl in a 550 horse power raise car who does focus on the next corner not the 550 people he passes till the next corner)
What I learned from last time, or how I can improve to tunite and to be intusiastic?
Being a peacemaker is a real job and a learning process.
Keep doing it. My method of calling and listening works and it is guiding us to world peace.
I observe what has changed since I got into intense connecting energy mode.
Stay focused on the people I really need to meet next.
Call it a night: even if a new door opens.
I need to filter the right information from the random noise of all information. For that my stomach needs to be tuned very well.
Play zither to tune myself and to stay focused.
Don’t mess around with time.
your taks: unite people and make peace on earth.
Business model: offer your services to people who want peace on earth and are willing to pay your fees.
Own your perspective: Because I do my job, we will see peace on earth. Otherwise I don’t do my job well.
I can take my time, I am my time and I actually cannot force anything in time. It is a tchance: time and chance. T
Dance through time - dchance it - with or without Kohlrabi
dchance it
tune in and dance through time — not all of whom you meet are still alive as this dear fellow knows.