Unity as a fusion product
It is war you need to pick a side — Go f**k yourself.
There are two major conflicts I am focusing on at the moment:
War in Ukraine.
War in Israel/Palestine.
there are more in the world I am simple ignoring. But here is more, if you want.
Each time my mind goes into a dividing energy: Blaming one side condemning the other: I tell myself “Go f**k yourself Dominikus.
I still take sides and I have a clear opinion and I am aware that my view is limited.
Ukraine: Russia attacked Ukraine. And Ukraine sovereignty needs to be defended by any means. Russia needs to retreat to its borders before 2014. There is no point of discussion for me. Is Putin a dictator: yes.
Gaza / Israel / Palestine: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have shown over time that they attack with force and might. They take into consideration to attack also civilian targets. They speak in a language of force, defending the state of Israel, if needed against the rest of the world. What we see in the area is a product of a series of conflicts and strategic decisions on both sides since at least 1948. What we see in Gaza and the West Bank today, Will it solve the actual conflict in the long run - most likely not. Will it give Israel a strategic advantage against Palestinian armed groups or political interests - most likely yes (at least in the short run). Can it bring peace to Israel / Palestine - no. Is the level of radicalization in the Israeli and Palestinian society threatening peace in both societies (radical positions harm societies and kill from inside) - yes. Should Benjamin Netanyahu go - yes. He is a radical leader who brought harm. Is Netanyaho a radical leader a wanna be dictator: no - because Israel is a democracy. Is Netanyaho destroying democracy: yes. Is Abu Masen a useful leader: no (but I also don’t know enough about Palestinian leadership). Did Hamas as a terror organization fail to govern people in Gaza: yes. Are radical settlers in Israel threatening the existence of the state of Israel: yes. Amos Oz wrote to the radicals - you should read it.
This is all my inner judgements - there is no unity in that. I clearly take sides.
How to build unity in separating energies?
Institutionalize a unity process.
Invite for different perspectives to come together. Listen to all and add more information to the matrix.
I tune my unity energy to make the unity energy bigger than the separating energy.
Put the unity energy in a social space and observe what happens.
The assumption is: In order to overcome separation in the world we need to overcome separation in our minds. I start with my own mind.
Unity is a physical energy (molecules, electrons dancing), that energy needs to be more valuable than separation. We create a good or product, everybody needs and wants. We offer it to the world. And we are vibrating it.
This unity good needs to be of highest quality.
We get high quality by doing X, Y, Z.
We create a better product. A product everybody wants. Our goal is to build a product for 9 billion customers and everybody wants to buy it.
What is the price?
Love more than you hate.
Give more than you receive.
Take in more than you need.
Start you own sun reactor — become a fusion reactor — learn from the sun. The sun shines for everybody at the same time in the same light.
But: The sun only shins during the day. Own your dark sides too, and call out what is. Injustice is injustice. People in power who abuse their power are not good leaders and need to go. Leaders who haven’t experienced love, cannot be good leaders. They look for the sun but can’t be sun. Go f**d (find) yourself but give the people their freedom back.
I hate dictators. As much I forgive them. At the end they are one more victim of their pain. Instead of using time to heal themself they go and f**k the world. That is called rape. Raping humanity.
But: To end the cycle we need to forgive all of us at the same time. We can become that one generation of humanity that learns to forgive each other all pain of all times. What is called redemption. And my mind is not ready for it, but working on it. People like Vladimir Putin will be eligible to receive redemption for their deeds. Anybody. There is no mercy, even not for these who want justice and peace. Peace is given to all — like the sun shines for you and me. We need to forgive - can we? Are we ready to forgive full-heartedly? Are we!
We can do it!
There is more to learn…
Spiegel from the 80s, found at the Barbershop around the corner in Berlin, Sonnenallee, 2023