Easter 2024
Talking blues - No separation, a declaration
No separation! Hey, are you ready to step into the new? No sorry, there is no story. No song line to follow. No real talk, no real walk and no real reason - sorry, really not my season. And btw. I thought we are preparing for hell on earth. For the real - final days of our kind. Let’s keep in your mind that actually we always prepare for war. Zooming in and out. Aren’t we always in the zone of interest - hiding behind the wall of our inner and so well hidden crematoriums? The places we never shed light upon, nor share. We dare to keep these places in our heart. We think it’s smart and well hidden. And God forbidden we are smart. Till we are called by the great divide and the spirit that talks us into separation. Why not, its easy and its wanted. To keep us daunted. Don’t move, we move you, my brother. Don’t fight, we fight for you, my sister. Don’t talk, whisper. Don’t cry, keep your voices low and in the shadow of times. Commit your mind to the great divide not divine - a crime. Keep your head down to the great wall. Thank you! Now you belong to what we call the wall. A wall needs support and it needs mind that protects the wall from being not a wall anymore. Of any kind. Anonymous souls take refuge in the shadows of our wall. All it needs is separation. And no door that opens up the space - no declaration. Peace is so far from being real. Holy wall, don’t heal our souls.
I keep my doors shut. Bury my mind into the sludge. Divide our time. From the divine. From our time on earth. Taking it back, claiming it into the now. The time that separates from us - given to us to take best care of. Our beautiful song. Shut down. Thrown against the walls of our times, in our minds and hearts. HEY! NO! NO WAY! We stay. We stay with you, we clime the wall or pay the urban sports club XXL fee to learn how to clime walls and bring it together. Learning how to pull things together our of nothing and to hold hands, dirty, yes, but I feel your firm grip. A yoga pose that twists our heart, a stretch that bridges hate and connects our spines. A run, that opens us up to what is. Exercises, connecting humanity. Bending our knee. A breath that travels the world. And visits the deepest spots in our souls to say hi, bring love and share light. Right, next to you, your soul is right next to you. You! Too!
Easter reminds us of our connection to what is. Let it be and let yourself jump over the wall - into the time we all deserve. Burst into light. Out of darkness and the fertile dirt that held us tight and warm. Be born! A time that is free of pain, and free of separation. A time that does not exist - as we all believe. A time we all receive, given to us, even if we don’t believe.