Wait a moment

Wait! This is your moment talking to you. This moment is given to you. From your heart.

Now I am gone. And here I am again. Wait! Would you please wait for me! I am your moment. I am what you are looking for. Would you please wait for me.

Berlin Kreuzberg, 2024

Thank you! Now,



now, you know that I am your moment.

What do you hear? What do you see? What do you smell? What do you touch? What do you need?

Please share with me, if you want to. Send me an email or text me.

Your moment is the most loving and powerful “thing” you have. It is everything. It is. So are you, beautiful. It’s always with you and in you and around you. It’s our most healing space and a scary place. If you have enemies don’t stay there for too long, they gonna catch you and find you. You can also make peace with them in the moment, if you want to. Wait a moment. Where the ghosts dance with us and where everything has a soul and is being: the electrons in your machine, the air, underwear, hair, everything has consciousness, becomes soul and everybeing. And we are connected with all of it in the moment, as we are all the time, but not aware: unconsciously connected. consciously connected is more fun. It’s like using whatsapp when your phone is not connected. You type and type and send and send but nothing starts to interact with you. Turn your f**n phone on - sign up for a contract, if you wanna communicate with the world.

Go to www.in-the-moment.com and sign your contract: it’s for free. Turn on your phone and start communicating. Turn on your aura, your antenna, tune in. You are special because you are you - not because you are “better” than somebody else - stop comparing, come to us in the moment and tune in.

Berlin Kreuzberg, 2024

Our full communication skills are needed - and we are beings that need interaction. To be us.

That is our unity-moment by moment by moment by moment. It starts now. Beat by beat, heart by heart.

Berlin Kreuzberg, 2024

Our World Peace Conference has started now and works in the moment. On September 21st 2024 we meet at Moos-Space, Moosdorfstr 7-9, Berlin to celebrate and share our moment and connection. We dance, sing, eat and sign world peace treaties with all beings on earth and the universe - with our love and light. With our fullest consciousness. Be invited and join us. Come unarmed and bring shoes you can dance in.

Berlin Alexanderplatz, 2024


Walking time


Life is short