Life is short

Life is short. Life is not short. Life is always perfect in time. If we settle our soul and heart in the middle of time — life is endless, infinite. We struggle to experience the moment.

Are we ahead of time, we cannot settle down. Our heart cannot rest and our mind is not in the now. What we need, we think, is not in the now. We run, but we cannot get there, it’s not yet there. Time is pain.

Are we behind time, we get no healing; our heart cannot rest and our mind is not in the now. What we need, we think, is not in the now. It’s in the past. But we cannot get back to the past - it already pasted. We freeze. Time is pain.

Berlin Kreuzberg 2024

At the same time.

All we need is now-time: love in the now time

That is magic.

Berlin Kreuzberg 2024

Even me writing this is looking for something that is not in the now. I am not listening to now, I am writing. For me life still feels short. My head in the future. Dreaming of World Peace.

But, world peace is now. What my heart is looking for is now.

Breathing in and breathing out - 1-2-3 - being light in the world.

We perceive light in the moment. It’s given to us every day.

Love given to us is most powerful in the now.

Berlin Kreuzberg, 2024

love + now = healing = peace. (love is not an empty bottle anymore, Thank you.)

World peace is an energy we create. Shared light between people. It needs two people to create light. We connect with anybody or heart. If there is no person next to you or in your mind: Touch whatever is around you: connect your mountain next to you has a heart, your lake next to you - your tree, your cup of coffee, each coffee bean, each air molecule has a heart - is life. How short do you think is life, if life is all around you? They send you love each moment.

We are not alone and we can share and receive light every moment.

Every moment is an invitation to be the moment and to be. Each breath - each little CO2 or H2 molecule.

In your being - in the moment - breath in, breath out - 1-2-3: imagine light and share it with someone (or your phone in front of you) - is the energy of now, that is directly connected to your heart and your purpose of being on earth.

In that moment is the beauty of now.

And we deserve to be in the now, be healed and be connected to our wish.

Together we follow our breath and heart, we support each other in our wish or dream - in our purpose of life.

That is our mission.

World Peace is beautiful - a level of light and love in the world, and shared knowledge. We gonna kick of a new level of being on earth. Of being in the now. Healed pain and trauma from the past violence and inequality (human rights) and fulfilled wishes (e.g. UN Agenda 2030).

Berlin Neukölln, 2024


Wait a moment


Light doesn't shine to judge