Please excuse - the city will be dirty. This is a last moment board member meeting 21/9/24
Excuse me fot the power of now. You have received our invitation to join the World Peace Conference “Walking in Beauty” 21/9/24, Berlin. Moosdorfstr. 7-9.
We only have 5 month to prepare it for you to come.
Please forgive, that we need to improvise. The city will not be as clean as you expect - we did not have time to clean up.
Excuse me fot the power of now. You have received our invitation to join the World Peace Conference “Walking in Beauty”, Saturday, 21/9/24, Berlin. Moosdorfstr. 7-9.
We only have 5 month to prepare it for you to come.
What are your basic needs - we wanna make sure that you will get them.
Please forgive, that we need to improvise. The city will not be as clean as you expect - we did not have time to clean up.
But we will do our best to make you a very warm welcome and that you feel safe and loved.
We also need your help. Since our network is not big, we need you to spread the invitation within your networks. Thank you. Please also bring comfortable shoes, we will dance and sing most of the time - and eat. Maybe you need to sleep in a tent, bring your sleeping bags.
That’s it for now.
Come together - join our next board meeting 9/21/24, Berlin
Getting peace done is a serious business. Lot’s of meetings and coordination.
But most importantly, you need talk to all. You need to listen to all.
You don’t know how to listen, you fail.
Why do we invite all forms of information into our space? Why do we talk about the Universe, God, Spirit, Holiness or simply energy, when we talk about world peace? It’s the power of love - and it directly in us. In our heart and breath and vibration. Core of our being, and deeply neglected. We miss out on important information, because we miss connection. We fail and we feel it. We get frustrated.
Getting peace done is a serious business. Lot’s of meetings and coordination.
But most importantly, you need talk to all. You need to listen to all.
You don’t know how to listen, you fail.
Axica, Berlin Mitte, 2023
Why do we invite all forms of information into our space? Why do we talk about the Universe, God, Spirit, Holiness or simply energy, when we talk about world peace? It’s the power of love - and it directly in us. In our heart and breath and vibration. Core of our being, and deeply neglected. We miss out on important information, because we miss connection. We fail and we feel it. We get frustrated.
It makes it easier if you ask everybody to join who has a say in your company. Imagine you want to build a new head quarter but you don’t talk with the owner of the soil you are building on.
Imagine buying a new machine, but your machine is stolen and the owner wants it back.
Law will get enforced and eventually you need to give back your machine or make a real contract with the owner of the soil you built your head quarter upon - otherwise your company runs a huge risk.
That’s why we follow the law and ask the owners of our world to join to work on a new contract, together. Hence, we start to learn to speak a shared language with the power of the universe. The language of love. We don’t abide to the common rules and law: hence they start to enforce the law upon us.
Upcycling shop. Berlin, Neukölln Hobrechtstrasse, 2024
We follow the rules and order simply to increase the chances to succeed in finding common ground. Together.
Imagine you are a business owner and your people start to fail to work together. What are you doing? You get creative and innovative: And you ask yourself what is missing - you need to, otherwise your people run away and you lose your business.
You intervene! That is your job as a business owner. Your numbers on your balance sheet don’t match anymore. You need to act.
Imagine our world is somebody’s business. Someone who cares about the company “Mother Earth”. Say the Universe is an investment fund and they have invested a lot in our earth and us. Gave us everything in order to be where we are today. They also shared their knowledge about how to best run our company. We asked for weapons, inequality and wealth, they gave it to us. But now they realize they invested too much in branch A and did not notice the lack to invest in branch B. What is their strategy now?
They reinvest. They act.
That’s why we add love to the equation. Because love is underfunded. It is as simple as it is. Love is underfunded and has the information we need to succeed as a business - not only the branch but the whole company.
We act.
Bike shop, Berlin Neukölln, Hobrechtstrasse, 2024
We act together as people who care for the world - our co-shared company with so much innovative potential. That’s why we invest in unity and believe in the power and support of love and light.
Come together.
This is an invitation to our next board member meeting. The World Peace Conference “Walking in Beauty” 9/21/24 on September 21st (The International World Peace Day) in Berlin Treptow at Moos Space, Moosdorfstr. 7-9.
Axica, Berlin Mitte 2023
Tuning in - moving you - moving me
Have you ever danced with someone?
We invite you to tune in, today.
Have you ever danced with our Universe - our oneness?
What if our Universe our Oneness - and all the names we have found for it - God, Goddesses and our holy spirits - only know the language of dancing and singing to feel welcomed into our space to do their work of unity and healing?
If we don’t speak our holy spirits’ language, how will they be able to talk to us? When did we stop dancing? And when did we stop dancing in our parliaments, UN meetings and holy places? Are we missing out on something essential here? Maybe sound and movement. Are we out of tune? Lost in prayer?
Have you ever danced with someone?
We invite you to tune in, today.
Have you ever danced with our Universe - our oneness?
What if our Universe our Oneness - and all the names we have found for it - God, Goddesses and our holy spirits - only know the language of dancing and singing to feel welcomed into our space to do their work of unity and healing?
If we don’t speak our holy spirits’ language, how will they be able to talk to us? When did we stop dancing? And when did we stop dancing in our parliaments, UN meetings and holy places? Are we missing out on something essential here? Maybe sound and movement. Are we out of tune? Lost in prayer?
Why do we need our holy spirits, Goddesses and Gods? Why are they so special? The salt in the soup, as we say in German. If we want separation we don’t need a holy sound in us. Separation is easy: you decide that is your enemy and then you entertain that thought till things become real and then you kill each other. The one who wins, picks the next enemy and so on and so forth. Boring as shit. Not fun to play. If we seek unity we seek unity with everything - that includes the spirits and beings around us. All information that we perceive. And we perceive a lot of information: Time has a way to guide and talk to us, wind does, light does. Feelings have information. With touch, listening, watching, tasting, smelling, feeling, we get a lot of information. Our gut feels and knows a lot. So does our brain, too. Thinking matters.
That is why we tune in with the holy spirit and create an event together. In our shared language. With the goal of making world peace: Hence we call it World Peace Conference: “Walking in Beauty” 9/21/24 It will take place on Saturday, September 21st 2024 - UN International World Peace Day - at Berlin-Treptow, Moos-Space. Everybody and everybeing are invited to join. People, spirits, beings and guests are invited to come in peace and share peace. Take your love and share your light.
You are invited to tune in - Our Oneness - our love and light - turns the turn table.
Let’s dance and sing to the divine tune.
Enjoy your being on our earth.
Enjoy the beauty of peace in us.
Moving you - moving me.
Nuke us together
What came after the big bang? A race for expansion.
What came after Hiroshima? A race for expansion. Fission: the energy created by splitting matter.
What came after the race for expansion? Our race for inclusion and fusion. The energy created by including matter.
Our race to the power of light in us. Our ability to become light and shine. Our love to be inclusive and integrating.
The largest know structure in the Universe - called The Boss (NASA, ESA, or a clever AI??)
What came after the big bang? A race for expansion.
What came after Hiroshima? A race for expansion. Fission: the energy created by splitting matter.
What came after the race for expansion? Our race for inclusion and fusion. The energy created by including matter.
Our race to the power of light in us. Our ability to become light and shine. Our love to be inclusive and integrating.
Fission is boring. Power to separate is boring. It hurts our mind and heart. It creates anger and separation. And it is not a fun game to play in our world. It is so boring, not fun to play, it is so exclusive. It sucks. Sorry for my words.
Let the angels cry. Berlin, April 2024
We are addicted to distrust and hate - an enmity. How uninspiring. In the enemy game we look for our next to be enemy. We pull all our energy towards that thing called enemy. Well, get real enemies: God, Mother Earth, the Universe - just become real. How to become friend with God, with Mother Earth, with the universe? And how to keep that friendship over time - without hurting each other and with forgiving each other? How to stay playful with real powers?
There are people in the world who don’t know how to play the fusion game. Unfortunately they are in power. And we are forced to play not to our heartbeat. Forced to abandon our love and forget about our light.
Forget it!
We are love and we are light.
If the universe is integration, why are we a different galaxy?
BUT, it’s not that easy. In our love game, we need to become union with even the most powerful people on earth who are in charge of the fission power. That is real. Our forgiveness and inclusiveness. Or addiction to love is real. And it will bend forces. As it has softened our hearts.
Why is our game so fun to play? The love and light game in this world?
We cannot fight with spirit. It’s ridiculous. But we are invited to play with spirit. To become a union with spirit. And to be protected by spirits. That is a very inclusive game we play together.
Forget the nuke - love is our energy. Love is a wonderful force to play with - it gives back and it let us grow. As it has been given us so much - all the life on earth is made from love - or light from love? Hen egg problem, I guess. Does it matter - or should we start fighting about what was first - love or light? Love is an energy that is in our heart. And it is sacred. Sacred places are protected by the spirit.
Do we care about our world? Berlin, April 2024
We are protected.
Love Song
We are hear and we hear you. You are walking in our light, dreaming in our dreams and connecting our thoughts. You dance with us through moonlights and seed the beats of times. As we do. You are singing our song, as we sing to your song. We are a circle - a circle of time. A song line of the divine line song.
We are here and we hear you. You are walking in our light, dreaming in our dreams and connecting our thoughts. You dance with us through moonlights and seed the beats of times. As we do. You are singing our song, as we sing to you. We are a circle - a circle of time. A song line of the divine line.
Harmony was told to be boring and old. Money is our beat — rhythm and poetry: the harmoney symphony. Sign not sing. Obey, don’t dance. Believe nor experience. Sliced in sliced silos not breathing in bright beats. Bringing our soul back to black sounds. Misconception within missing concepts. How to function into the eternal function? Objecting obeying objects. Divided Divine moments, weeping within us. Giving us shelter in our bewitched wings. Forgetting signs. Are we able to sing this forgotten song again? When did we stacked it through time and burned your deep knowledge - oh mother. Please come back and stay with us. Lamenting our home, begone! Born home, forgotten in moments - the endless circle of time that holds us with its clutches — and gives us nothing to breath — no breath (no time) to sing. Harmoney has not sound. Soundless harmony. Ugly. You are ugly. And you are destroying yourself with harmoney. Did we ever forget to listen to the stars? How many times flew a bird across the dessert of oceans and did the canon ball fly to empty our ears and hearts. Too money times. The answer is always in our pocket. My heart can’t get enough. Our song silenced by the wind of time and buried in every moment. Harmoney.
Will we remember to walk in beauty?
Friendly sky line. Berlin, April 2024
Us. It’s us and in the U.S. and so familiar to us, that we can sing this love song. Easily. An ease to tune in and pleased to unfold endless moments back to our self to come back. Surfacing through the soul whole of time. When we left to seek harmony on earth. A place where harmony is a moment, a collective effort, not a dream. Sing. The place where we can tune in together and can hear our beautiful voices and hearts.
Not a bad place to experience us, heal us and feel us.
Not a bad time to tab into our energy of vibrant collective love.
As we gather, we become a spiritual ceremony. We gather to sing our love song and invite our spirits to join in with us. To jam with us. To sing a love song to our un.iverse, the mother of time, our womb of life.
We sing our song again and again, we dance our beats again and again - and we lose us in time, now and now. Again is time to wake up and to tune in. UN.inversal. Not a joke. But an essential need - our beat. Jam with us. Child.
Tune in. Subscribe to our song-letter. Support us to build with your love-Euros. And dance with us now.
This is a collective awakening. Life is our song and in our super-power. Our power is our super heart. Just that. We do now and tomorrow. And we ask our spirits to join and to unite with us. Into our shared harmony. A better place. A healed place. Shalom.
Poem from a suffering heart
We suffer, we are alone and we heal the world putting our hearts together in our beat — the conductress of time.
Hey sister you suffer. Hey brother you suffer. Hey, we suffer together. Your pain is ours, in bone and heart - your agony is in our blood, floods our veins - and takes away, our pain. We walk up-wards towards our source - follow our blood line back to our mother tree. Deep to the root that existed as time became one. Somewhere up in the mountains deep down in our ocean. Do you remember the place we met - we connected our souls and joint the tree, the stream, the spirit of life!? When we were one and time did not matter, nor space. Now. Here on Earth. We get lost, not able to find, to connect again with our spirit, that keeps our heart warm nor hard nor gentle. We want to walk and breath us back to where we are - and always have been. We know, my brother, we feel it my sister, this place is here on Earth and in us, floats the space between us. It’s us, and it’s you and me, me and us. It floats the space between us, and time with love - painful love - suffered through time and only kept in peace in that little corner or the moment of a heart-beat in our heart right there in the moment followed by our moment and covered by our pain forever in our veins and always beating in the rhythm of the endless ending of time beating the endless beginning of time beginning the being of time. Endless. What is our love? Where did it start, when will it end and where is it guiding us. Yesterday. Tomorrow but never now. Why do we miss that moment in us, that is us, now?!
Do we feel the connection? Do we trust our healing powers! Into the now suffering. Letting go of all our pain for a moment? Are you ready? Join us! It’s an invitation to the impossible imagination. A beaten heart becomes a heart-beat. Share your song and join! Let’s suffer together through all our past and future suffering. Let us heal time, yours ours mine. Beat the sh*t out and commit to our endless moment that is now. Our beauty is now. Right now.
We heal the world by healing us. And here is a moment to heal. In us - in you and me and our connection and beaten heart.
We can sing together. An invitation to join our movement and work together on our World Peace Conference. Join.
"So help me God" Message in a bottle - SOS to the world
What is an SOS to the world? What is your SOS to the world?
How to receive God’s help?
I am so frustrated. Chancellor Olaf Scholz, does not want to collaborate with the Hainrichs Institute. I am frustrated because it would help. But what frustrates me most: I don’t know how to communicate better. Collaboration would increases the chances for unity and peace in Europe in the world. Why I am so frustrated: He needs help. At his inauguration he did his oath of office (Amtseid) without the words “so wahr mir Gott helfe” - so help me God. But God insists to help to support his other words to increase the benefit of the people and avert harm from them.
Dear brother are you ready to receive - are you ready to see the angels not falling from hell? Well, open the door, messengers knock on your door. 30 minutes up on your floor. You will not regret, you will be met. Your heart asks for help, listen, be held. Help is given to people who ask, help travels through time and doesn’t ask, if you want help. It is there it is there - God given - but does he care - is he driven? So take it. Find your path to helping hands. Find your way to your own claims. Own it. Support. Find peace and freedom in Europe - for our Lord. It’s your time - you lead - your country and your own thought - that offers and needs - trust. No reaction. Real action from your heart. But you need the concert hall next to you - the perfect sound. You asked for it - its waiting for you. A safe ground. God offers help so we can do - together my brother. Me and you.
Everyone is equal on the sea and before God. There are rescue teams at sea and from God. They come : ) Send an S.O.S.
What is your message in the bottle - your SOS to the world? Share it in the comments!
I am NOT an empty bottle - lady in black, please come back.
In my dream the lady in black showed up and said: “You are a man with a vision but you have no action. You know, how I call these people - an empty bottle. You are an empty bottle.” I woke up shocked.
I wrote down: vision w/o action = empty bottle.
Yes, I am an empty bottle. I do jack shit - no action - but have a vision. An empty bottle, by definition. Thank you lady.
She came to me one morning.
In my dream the lady in black showed up and said: “You are a man with a vision but you have no action. You know, how I call these people - an empty bottle. You are an empty bottle.” I woke up shocked.
I wrote down: vision w/o action = empty bottle.
Yes, I am an empty bottle. I do jack shit - no action - but have a vision. An empty bottle, by definition. Thank you lady.
She came to me one morning.
Who showed up in my dream? It was love. What was our heart telling us? It was of all of us. It was love, heart who came to remind me of our goal. We do this peace of work together. It is a ton of work. Heavy as hell and heavens together. But we are not alone. Our collective heart reminds us and sends us messages - in a bottle. It finds its way to be heard. Through our interconnected nature of Mother Earth and the spirits. No matter, if we once loved each other, or will love each other in the future, or will never love each other. In the now is only love. In the moment is all the time we can imagine. Time is never an empty bottle. Time is always there and always full. Time is always action. How can I connect my mind and vision to the heart of time to be a full body, sorry, of course bottle? Be a vessel of change. Full of time. Full of love. Pour from it without regret.
What is a good and healthy bottle of time to be bottled now and stored in the basements of time?
Vision: the vessel
Connection: Forum for Peace and Sustainability
Healing: Center for Humanity and Nature
Spirit: Bring the spirit of peace into the world
Time: never (the problem)
Action: filling the bottle
Connection: Communicate and unite people in one place to sign a peace treaty
Healing: holding space for people and connect to the divine time
Spirit: breath, eat, pray, love, bless
Time: now (always now)
= the bottle: time of peace
Connection: Our society. All people on earth. Humanity. An interconnected world of people, who are of one generation that does not fight wars against each other. We build institutions and rules to pass that world without wars on to the next generation.
Healing: in our hearts: a generation that forgives each other all the pain in our hearts; for a global society: equal justice and rights for all human beings
Spirit: an enlightened generation that doesn’t need to pass on collective pain; an interconnected body
Time: now, never, interconnected: it doesn’t matter, we are.
That is a good and healthy bottle of time to be bottled now and stored in the basements of time.
Keep growing and shed your light in the world, my sisters and brothers. Tune in:
Ostern 2024
Sprechgesang statt Abgesang
Wann ist Frieden? Nach der Wende, vielleicht. Denn für Frieden ist grad keine Zeit. Wann ist Weltkrieg? Vielleicht bald. Gefangene sind wir in einer Zeit zwischen Weltkrieg und Weltfrieden. Beides dachten wir sei Utopie - passiert ja nie.
Sprechgesang statt Abgesang
Wann ist Frieden? Nach der Wende, vielleicht. Denn für Frieden ist grad keine Zeit. Wann ist Weltkrieg? Vielleicht bald. Gefangene sind wir in einer Zeit zwischen Weltkrieg und Weltfrieden. Beides dachten wir sei Utopie - passiert ja nie. Jetzt wird das andere notwendig, da das eine droht. Jetzt verschwindet das Einende aus unseren Gedanken, da das andere verroht. O'bacht. Denn der Krieg, er ist. Er schneidet durch unsere Gedanken - schneidet Nachbarn, Länder und Familien entzwei. Ist mir egal was hier einst keimte, ich zerstöre und ich gehöre...: ja richtig, auf das Schlachtfeld der Geschichte und in die Vergangenheit. Denn Krieg, das ist nicht mehr Deine Zeit - Alter! Verpiss Dich! Mit kesser Lippe wurden Kriege begonnen, aber nicht gewonnen. Was tun? Beginnt nun ein Tsunami an Kriegen? Alter bleib cool, wir siegen. Wie? Bevor um uns herum alles verstrahlt sollten wir beginnen zu strahlen. Wenn wir schon zwischen den Utopie Weltkrieg und Weltfrieden stehen, sollten wir den dritten Weg der Erleuchtung gehen. Sollten wählen was schon ein oder zweimal auf Erden war: Richtig Weltkrieg. Ja, Nein, verdammt hört mir denn niemand zu? Einigkeit auf Erden. Frühjahrsputz und Kehrwoche in unseren Herzkammern und Venen, in Gelenken, Knorpeln und Sehnen. Alles Strecken und Dehnen. Arbeiten mit dem Puls der Zeit. Erleuchtung ist gar nicht so weit - Alter! Einatmen und wieder aus, Energie in Schwingung bringen, wer möchte kann dazu ein Mantra singen - und schon beginnt die Vibration - und Du hörst im Herzen Ton - oder siehst Du Dein Bild oder spürst Dein(e) Schwingen. Ich höre Dich und Dein Lied singen. Aus der Tiefe dein Sein - in Dir. Verbunden. Gesunden.
Hand auf's Herz: Erleuchtung ist echt. Kein Schmerz mehr der Kriege. Das wäre zum Beispiel eine Strategie zum Siege.
Aber, was ich noch zu sagen hätte dauert eine Zigarette, ich weiß, und ein letztes Glas im Stehn. Nun sag schon. Raus damit: haben wir heute schon gesagt, wie lieb ich Dich hab; nach links und rechts geschaut, gelächelt; gesagt, wie schön Du bist, dem Licht - nicht nur in unseren Herzen - gedankt, sondern auch Licht und Schatten da draußen, hallo!? Dankbar und liebevoll durchs Leben gegangen? Unserem Herzen in Gedanken und Gesten zum Atmen und Durchschnaufen verholfen. Und der Erleuchtung die Hand gereicht, ein Lächeln geschenkt? 5 Sekunden aufgeblickt? Vielleicht!
Kurzfristig mögen Sondervermögen und Waffenpakete schon was bewirken auf den Schlachtfeldern unserer Zeit - wem auch immer dienen. Minen_Felder bleiben. Blumen auf Bajonett und Fahnen auf Brüstung. Langfristig sinnvoller, nachhaltiger und gerechter ist Erleuchtung und nicht Aufrüstung. Aber so lange die Staats- und Regierungschefs nicht erleuchtet sind, brauchen wir auch keine Hoffnungen haben. Die Graben. Leider ihren Schützengraben nur tiefer. Die Festung Europa wird umzäumt und vom Schild geschützt. Das nützt schon, aber wie lange und auch noch der siebten Generation? Hilfe, ja und Hohn zugleich. Sorry, keine Langzeitstrategie für unsere Welt - es reicht jetzt. Echt nicht - Abschreckung ist, Alter, Quark. Ab in den Sarg. Aber, und daher mein Aufruf an Euch alle: Bitte lasst uns zusammenhalten und dann entfalten wir was in unseren Herzen steckt. Da ist mehr als Schreck und Misstrauen. Ja Misst. Trauen. Sag mir wo die Blume steht, das Licht in Dir. Oder lasst uns zu den Blumen der Erleuchtung werden - sag mir wo die Blumen sind - auf Erden.
Wo sind wir geblieben? Werden wir verstehn? Den Weg des Friedens gehn? Flüsterpost, bitte weitersagen. egal was am Ende rauskommt: Worte durch die ewige Zeit getragen - spürst Du das Schwingen? Ja, nein, vielleicht. Weitersagen. Singen.
Easter 2024
Talking blues - a declaration
No separation. Hey, are you ready to step into the new? No sorry, there is no story. No song line to follow. No real talk, no real walk and no real reason - sorry, really not my season. And btw. I thought we are preparing for hell on earth. For the real - final days of our kind. Let’s keep in your mind that actually we always prepare for war. Zooming in and out. Aren’t we always in the zone of interest - hiding behind the wall of our inner and so well hidden crematoriums? The places we never shed light upon, nor share.
Talking blues - No separation, a declaration
No separation! Hey, are you ready to step into the new? No sorry, there is no story. No song line to follow. No real talk, no real walk and no real reason - sorry, really not my season. And btw. I thought we are preparing for hell on earth. For the real - final days of our kind. Let’s keep in your mind that actually we always prepare for war. Zooming in and out. Aren’t we always in the zone of interest - hiding behind the wall of our inner and so well hidden crematoriums? The places we never shed light upon, nor share. We dare to keep these places in our heart. We think it’s smart and well hidden. And God forbidden we are smart. Till we are called by the great divide and the spirit that talks us into separation. Why not, its easy and its wanted. To keep us daunted. Don’t move, we move you, my brother. Don’t fight, we fight for you, my sister. Don’t talk, whisper. Don’t cry, keep your voices low and in the shadow of times. Commit your mind to the great divide not divine - a crime. Keep your head down to the great wall. Thank you! Now you belong to what we call the wall. A wall needs support and it needs mind that protects the wall from being not a wall anymore. Of any kind. Anonymous souls take refuge in the shadows of our wall. All it needs is separation. And no door that opens up the space - no declaration. Peace is so far from being real. Holy wall, don’t heal our souls.
I keep my doors shut. Bury my mind into the sludge. Divide our time. From the divine. From our time on earth. Taking it back, claiming it into the now. The time that separates from us - given to us to take best care of. Our beautiful song. Shut down. Thrown against the walls of our times, in our minds and hearts. HEY! NO! NO WAY! We stay. We stay with you, we clime the wall or pay the urban sports club XXL fee to learn how to clime walls and bring it together. Learning how to pull things together our of nothing and to hold hands, dirty, yes, but I feel your firm grip. A yoga pose that twists our heart, a stretch that bridges hate and connects our spines. A run, that opens us up to what is. Exercises, connecting humanity. Bending our knee. A breath that travels the world. And visits the deepest spots in our souls to say hi, bring love and share light. Right, next to you, your soul is right next to you. You! Too!
Easter reminds us of our connection to what is. Let it be and let yourself jump over the wall - into the time we all deserve. Burst into light. Out of darkness and the fertile dirt that held us tight and warm. Be born! A time that is free of pain, and free of separation. A time that does not exist - as we all believe. A time we all receive, given to us, even if we don’t believe.
Unity as a fusion product
It is war you need to pick a side — Go f**k yourself.
There are two major conflicts I am focusing on at the moment:
War in Ukraine.
War in Israel/Palestine.
there are more in the world I am simple ignoring. But here is more, if you want.
Each time my mind goes into a dividing energy: Blaming one side condemning the other: I tell myself “Go f**k yourself Dominikus.
It is war you need to pick a side — Go f**k yourself.
There are two major conflicts I am focusing on at the moment:
War in Ukraine.
War in Israel/Palestine.
there are more in the world I am simple ignoring. But here is more, if you want.
Each time my mind goes into a dividing energy: Blaming one side condemning the other: I tell myself “Go f**k yourself Dominikus.
I still take sides and I have a clear opinion and I am aware that my view is limited.
Ukraine: Russia attacked Ukraine. And Ukraine sovereignty needs to be defended by any means. Russia needs to retreat to its borders before 2014. There is no point of discussion for me. Is Putin a dictator: yes.
Gaza / Israel / Palestine: The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have shown over time that they attack with force and might. They take into consideration to attack also civilian targets. They speak in a language of force, defending the state of Israel, if needed against the rest of the world. What we see in the area is a product of a series of conflicts and strategic decisions on both sides since at least 1948. What we see in Gaza and the West Bank today, Will it solve the actual conflict in the long run - most likely not. Will it give Israel a strategic advantage against Palestinian armed groups or political interests - most likely yes (at least in the short run). Can it bring peace to Israel / Palestine - no. Is the level of radicalization in the Israeli and Palestinian society threatening peace in both societies (radical positions harm societies and kill from inside) - yes. Should Benjamin Netanyahu go - yes. He is a radical leader who brought harm. Is Netanyaho a radical leader a wanna be dictator: no - because Israel is a democracy. Is Netanyaho destroying democracy: yes. Is Abu Masen a useful leader: no (but I also don’t know enough about Palestinian leadership). Did Hamas as a terror organization fail to govern people in Gaza: yes. Are radical settlers in Israel threatening the existence of the state of Israel: yes. Amos Oz wrote to the radicals - you should read it.
This is all my inner judgements - there is no unity in that. I clearly take sides.
How to build unity in separating energies?
Institutionalize a unity process.
Invite for different perspectives to come together. Listen to all and add more information to the matrix.
I tune my unity energy to make the unity energy bigger than the separating energy.
Put the unity energy in a social space and observe what happens.
The assumption is: In order to overcome separation in the world we need to overcome separation in our minds. I start with my own mind.
Unity is a physical energy (molecules, electrons dancing), that energy needs to be more valuable than separation. We create a good or product, everybody needs and wants. We offer it to the world. And we are vibrating it.
This unity good needs to be of highest quality.
We get high quality by doing X, Y, Z.
We create a better product. A product everybody wants. Our goal is to build a product for 9 billion customers and everybody wants to buy it.
What is the price?
Love more than you hate.
Give more than you receive.
Take in more than you need.
Start you own sun reactor — become a fusion reactor — learn from the sun. The sun shines for everybody at the same time in the same light.
But: The sun only shins during the day. Own your dark sides too, and call out what is. Injustice is injustice. People in power who abuse their power are not good leaders and need to go. Leaders who haven’t experienced love, cannot be good leaders. They look for the sun but can’t be sun. Go f**d (find) yourself but give the people their freedom back.
I hate dictators. As much I forgive them. At the end they are one more victim of their pain. Instead of using time to heal themself they go and f**k the world. That is called rape. Raping humanity.
But: To end the cycle we need to forgive all of us at the same time. We can become that one generation of humanity that learns to forgive each other all pain of all times. What is called redemption. And my mind is not ready for it, but working on it. People like Vladimir Putin will be eligible to receive redemption for their deeds. Anybody. There is no mercy, even not for these who want justice and peace. Peace is given to all — like the sun shines for you and me. We need to forgive - can we? Are we ready to forgive full-heartedly? Are we!
We can do it!
There is more to learn…
Spiegel from the 80s, found at the Barbershop around the corner in Berlin, Sonnenallee, 2023
Own your responsibility - call it what it is
This morning, I had to be in bed a bit longer to really listen to my stomach. The stomach is where all information comes together and tunes in. The message was clear: Tunite: Tune in and unite.
Of course there was more:
You can make peace in the world.
It is your responsibility to make world peace (because you can do it).
This morning, I had to be in bed a bit longer to really listen to my stomach. The stomach is where all information comes together and tunes in. The message was clear: Tunite: Tune in and unite.
Of course there was more:
You can make peace in the world.
It is your responsibility to make world peace (because you can do it).
You were borne with the ability to make world peace (God and Mother Nature is giving you all you need to do it).
All you need is to unite people and create a network that unites people. (all you need is to call people with your iPhone).
This all felt good, deep and comfortable to my stomach.
I felt it and I need to feel exactly this information in me.
Next week I will continue to tunite.
Based on past experience, tuniting comes with obstacles and pitfalls:
Calling people is high energy.
Connecting to people is more than just talking - our minds and hearts connect and a third power (“God”) joins.
When I listen, I listen to the heart and it is as if people can read my mind and heart. By listening to you, I will hear my subconscious thoughts.
Talking to people is bending time: It is like listening to the future next step - You help me to define my next steps. You give me the hint and clues for what to do next.
That is also the clue to success and world peace. We listen together. Thank you. But:
My mind has the tendency to overpower - to connect too many dots of information. That is problematic if there is not enough information in the matrix. Then I connect too much with too little information. And I make mistakes.
I feel very intusiastic: intuition and enthusiastic, and overheat my body and mind.
Tuning in into my intuition and trust in people allows me to feel magic. Basically world peace is just happening at the moment and things start to move together. My imagination becomes boundless, that is overwhelming people around me and myself, too. There is no fear. I become focussed like Walter Röhrl in a 550 horse power raise car who does focus on the next corner not the 550 people he passes till the next corner)
What I learned from last time, or how I can improve to tunite and to be intusiastic?
Being a peacemaker is a real job and a learning process.
Keep doing it. My method of calling and listening works and it is guiding us to world peace.
I observe what has changed since I got into intense connecting energy mode.
Stay focused on the people I really need to meet next.
Call it a night: even if a new door opens.
I need to filter the right information from the random noise of all information. For that my stomach needs to be tuned very well.
Play zither to tune myself and to stay focused.
Don’t mess around with time.
your taks: unite people and make peace on earth.
Business model: offer your services to people who want peace on earth and are willing to pay your fees.
Own your perspective: Because I do my job, we will see peace on earth. Otherwise I don’t do my job well.
I can take my time, I am my time and I actually cannot force anything in time. It is a tchance: time and chance. T
Dance through time - dchance it - with or without Kohlrabi
dchance it
tune in and dance through time — not all of whom you meet are still alive as this dear fellow knows.
Come together - we are one - a playlist
Come together - we are one. Here I share a music playlist of songs that say what we need. It’s already here - in us - among us. The energy of one. We are one.
A playlist that was created during my travels to the United Nations in New York. A good place - a place to bring together our shared powers of unity. A power that opens our hearts and makes them heal the world.
MoMa: Artist: Cara Romero - Wakeah Jhane, a Comanche-
Blackfeet-Kiowa ledger artist and dancer (
Heal the world, make it a better place
First time at the United Nations in New York. I was so skeptical: What if the energy of that place feels like shit? What if this is not a place to bring nations together? No need to fear. This is a perfect place to united our nations. To make peace.
Come together and the world will be as one.
Our generation - we all together - we have so much potential. We can feel it and we can walk in it. Not everybody has access to it, though. We need to do it together. Enable us, become vulnerable. Also as nations.
During negotiations or singing together in a karaoke bar with Nordic delegations - we want to do it together - if we get the go from our “bosses” (aka governments). Mother boss - THE government on earth - already gives us the go.
Women of the world unite
Our bodies are our temple. So are places. New York is a powerful spiritual place, a temple. Forget what you see - see what you feel - and what trees and rocks whisper. With good spirits around. Not hiding - serving. A place to trust.
Gracias a la vida
Women are taking care of the process. It is as simple as it is. Gracias.
One Love
One heart one thought one world - peace.
Herz muss immer Trumpf bleiben
“Let’s have the musicians show the politicians” sing together.
Let’s glide on a: Peace Train
no need to go and hate each other.
The past is over
The World needs us now! Die Erde braucht uns Jetzt!
Die Welt braucht uns jetzt!
Ich bin sprachlos und schockiert. Mitten in Europa droht der Russische Präsident mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen. Die Waffen bedrohen nicht nur die Menschen in der Ukraine. Sie bedrohen die ganze Menschheit. Vermutlich wird es nur bei der Drohung bleiben. Dominikus besucht die UN-Verhandlungen, des Atomwaffensperrvertrags im August in New York – sie waren zum Scheitern „verurteilt“, weil:
1. nicht alle Nuklearwaffenstaaten teilnehmen,
2. weil Krieg auf unseren Kontinenten ist.
Scheitern ist bei so einem sensiblen diplomatischen Werk vorprogrammiert – wenn wir nicht alle bereit sind zusammenzukommen und zu kooperieren. 2026 finden wieder Verhandlungen statt.
Spendenaufruf Oktober
Liebe Freunde, Unterstützerinnen und Unterstützer,
Die Welt braucht uns jetzt!
Ich bin sprachlos und schockiert. Mitten in Europa droht der Russische Präsident mit dem Einsatz von Atomwaffen. Die Waffen bedrohen nicht nur die Menschen in der Ukraine. Sie bedrohen die ganze Menschheit. Vermutlich wird es nur bei der Drohung bleiben. Dominikus besucht die UN-Verhandlungen, des Atomwaffensperrvertrags im August in New York – sie waren zum Scheitern „verurteilt“, weil:
1. nicht alle Nuklearwaffenstaaten teilnehmen,
2. weil Krieg auf unseren Kontinenten ist.
Scheitern ist bei so einem sensiblen diplomatischen Werk vorprogrammiert – wenn wir nicht alle bereit sind zusammenzukommen und zu kooperieren. 2026 finden wieder Verhandlungen statt.
Kalt und lieblos – Atomare Waffen bedrohen uns
Der Einsatz von Atomwaffen bedroht uns als Menschheit. Was auf dem Papier als Schutz von nationalen Interessen dargestellt wird, wird zum Preis von uns allen geschehen. Bei der Verteidigung scheint nichts heilig zu sein – am wenigsten die Erde und ihre Menschheit. Verachtung vor dem Leben - Wo ist die Liebe? Sie ist da. In New York konnten wir einen großen Willen zur Zusammenarbeit und Konsensfähigkeit sehen. Unsere Generation möchte kooperieren. Das macht Mut.
Herzenswärme und Mut – Notwendige Wege, um die atomare Bedrohung zu beenden
Es gibt einen Weg, nur dieser ist kühn und braucht all Eure Kraft und Unterstützung. Wir haben vier Jahre Zeit, gemeinsam die Voraussetzungen für erfolgreiche UN Verhandlungen zur nuklearen Abrüstung in New York 2026 zu schaffen. Unsere Generation ist dazu fähig.
Alle zusammen: Es braucht alle neun Atomwaffenstaaten in einem Raum.
Keine Ausreden: Es dürfen keine offenen oder schwelenden Konflikte zwischen Atomwaffenstaaten oder deren Verbündeten herrschen.
Es braucht den Mut von uns Menschen, an die Orte zu gehen und die Mächtigen zu überzeugen, ihre nationalen und regionalen Konflikte zu befrieden. Wir möchten mit einem Team und mit Partnerinnen und Partnern diesen Weg gehen. Wir müssen! Uns rennt die Zeit davon. Und die Bedrohung atomarer Waffen ist real.
Hingabe – Deine Spende verbindet
Dies ist ein sehr sehr ungewisser Weg – ohne Garantie auf schnellen Erfolg und offene Türen. Sackgassen und Fallen auf dem Weg. Steile Schluchten und Untiefen – oh ja. Nur, es ruft das Herz in uns dazu auf. Daher gibt es keinen anderen Weg als diesen. Wir vertrauen diesem Weg und geben uns dieser Kraft unseres Herzens hin. Wenn nicht jetzt, dann wann? Wir spüren die Verbundenheit als Kraft, die uns stärker Macht, aus der Tiefe des Herzens.
Es ist jeden Schritt wert. In Achtung vor dem Leben auf Erden.
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Dankbarkeit: Deine Gabe und unser Dank von Herzen
Uns verbindet unser gemeinsamer Weg und die Unsicherheit, diesen Weg erfolgreich zu gehen. Uns verbindet daher vor allem Vertrauen. Aber auch Mut, Humor, Kreativität und Kontakt. Wir sind alle Teil eines aktiven Organismus und einer Friedenskraft, die wir teilen. Darin wachsen wir gemeinsam. Nicht nur durch die Worte, das Geld. Vor allem durch das Vertrauen in unserem Herzen. Selbst in schwierigsten Tagen wahnsinnige Berge zu versetzen. Das tun wir hier – es geht nur gemeinsam. Das ist das Schöne bei der Friedensarbeit. Sie hat Stile. Mit Gewalt geht da nichts. Nur mit Liebe. Liebe, Schönheit, Ehrlichkeit und Mut, Menschlichkeit, Vertrauen und Weisheit. Tolle Werte, die wir gemeinsam leben. Danke Euch dafür.
Herzlichst für das Team des Hainrichs Instituts
If not now then when?
If not now then when - we find truth in the moment. In the now is the answer to our questions. It’s our path to enlightenment - together.
We can empower each other by giving up the “how” question! How are we going to do it? How would you do it? It’s my wish, my heart. We give up to know answers and the path to get somewhere or to have a solution for a problem. Why?
Arrrrgggghhhh. Another question with no answer. We are opening us to life. Sorry, we cannot provide a how and a why. This is not a songline. What!?
Yes - the answer to all our questions is now - or in the now. It’s in us. That is my now - my vibration. Now has all information we need to know. This moment has all the information we need to know to do our next step to grow. We get touched by the now. In us. I am moved. Happy to share that, words without knowing.
Have you ever asked a rock, a tree, a cloud, a sunbeam “How are you doing this?” “Why are you doing it?” “What are you doing?” We observe our relative’s behavior. Imagine the amount of social control that all our questions hold. A cloud would not be able to share shade and water with us, knowing the answers. A rock would not be able to hold, looking for answers.
I want to know. I don’t want to know.
All your answers are in the now. Our Mother gives us everything every moment. We are here to support your spiritual, your physical, your emotional growth and healing. Our purpose here on earth is to grow and to support each other growing. Our purpose is not to know our growing or worse - to control our growing. This is a terrible now.
Now is your moment, our connection and our time.
Your moment - our now - is a shared room of enlightenment. We are enlightened beings - as is the whole universe and each cell of life and energy on Mother Earth.
right - left - behind - in front of us
Look behind, to the left, to the right, see whats in front of you - hear, listen, feel, breath this one moment around you - around us. That is your gift - your enlightenment. Your now, your blessing, and our world.
now is when
Together and connected. Your moment is you. You are now. We are now.
Now is the most protected place in the universe. Your home. Our home and our now.
US Open - No Champion
Let us have peace. We are one humanity. Each war among nations is a civil war on humanity. Let us have be peace and become one. Unless we are not willing to cooperate we will not win.
Ulysses Grant’s memorial New York ®Dominikus Vogl
Traveling to New York in August can be for two reasons. To watch the US Open. The best tennis player meet to find the best players. Or to watch the NPT RevCon. The best diplomats of the world meet at the UN to work on an agreement on nuclear risk reduction. The problem with the later the rules differ with the first event. The tennis player who won all games wins the trophy. Not so at the UN: In order to win you need to cooperate with everybody. In order to get an agreement all nations need to cooperate.
Well, what if not all nations are joining - lack of universality? Well, what if nations in the room are on war against each other - lack of peace? We are bound to fail. So did diplomats around the world in August at the UN.
With nuclear nations either not in the room (Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea) or nuclear nations (Russia) fighting a war against another nation (Ukraine) in Europe we cannot agree.
We meet in 2026 again. LET US HAVE PEACE. Let us all meet in New York. For the Nuclear US Open.
It will be quite a bit of work for us to make it happen. Diplomats around the world deserve it — we could feel the spirit. Our generation wants to cooperate and to work together. Governments need to say — get out play the game of cooperation and bring back home the trophy of unity!
There is a lot of hope and willingness to success in our generation. Together.